Monday 25 December 2023

The Xmas Haul 2023

Well another Xmas lunch has been and gone, so whilst recovering from some rather nice food and before the King's speech and Toy Story 4 (assuming I don't fall asleep😉), I thought I'd take a moment or two to post what Santa brought me. A nice mixed bag of stuff, which admirably reflect my interests and some nice surprises too.

The haul.

On the gardening front, a really nice book which from a quick flick through, looks to be everything I hoped it would be. I imagine I will be using lots of the ideas contained therein in 2024 and beyond. Some lovely bulbs from my wife too, so something to do tomorrow when we look to have a bit of nice weather for a change.

Then of course my sweet tooth is rather happy, with the perennial Xmas treat that is a Terry's Chocolate Orange, something I've had every year since they first came out! A recent family favourite are unbelievable rich Belgina truffles that are dangerously moorish!

Finally, the wargaming stuff. A treat to myself in the form of the Osprey book Peleliu 1944, as part of some 'research' into the Pacific Campaign 1943 - 1945, possibly for some future wargames campaigns. Early days yet but always good to get into a new period. Then a really nice surprise from our son, with an Airfix kit, something I had been pondering getting for a pure nostalgia hit. The kits have come on leaps and bounds since I last made a 1:72nd kit, which most likely was in the late 1970's! Where I will display it when finished I'm not sure, but a nice problem to have!

So I hope you all have had and are having a lovely Xmas Day and that Santa brought you some nice treats.



  1. Merry Christmas, Steve! A nice assortment of goodies in your stocking this year. Very happy to see Peleliu book hit your gift list. Hopefully, this will provide inspiration. If more inspiration is needed, I can suggest others...

    Terry Chocolate Orange ball is a staple and traditional Christmas stocking gift in this household too. Not until today did I realize it was an English confection.

    1. Thanks Jon! A nice mix of stuff and for many years, in all honesty, I have everything I really need, so books are always my default go to option for treats as I love them. Any suggestions for good over views of the Pacific War would be very much appreciated:).

      I'm not sure when I first had a chocolate orange, but it must have been the late 1970's or thereabouts. Just checking at it has a much longer history than I realised, going way back in time! Glad to see that you appreciate it on your side of the Pond too!

  2. Merry Christmas Steve. You got a decent haul there.
    I’ve had to make do with new slippers (a tad too tight, but hopefully I’ll soon stretch them to size), a light coat to wear when walking the dogs (nice, but the weather needs to warm up a touch yet), some popcorn & a small bar of chocolate. When I said I didn’t want the same big bar of chocolate I had last year I hoped they knew I wasn’t 100% serious. And now I’m proved wrong…☹️ By way of improving the situation I’ve ordered Esposito’s Armies of the Crusaders 1096-1291 - but that won’t be here until after the New Year ☹️
    Enjoy the rest of your Christmas & New Year.

    1. Thanks Geoff! For many years I've bought my presents and given them to my wife to wrap as a 'surprise', to avoid those awkward unwrapping moments and feigned delight etc. It just makes it easier for everyone!

      Never joke about chocolate! It's far too a serious subject for that😉! At least you've got a good book on order, so not too bad all things considered. I still have some more to order once I've made up my mind that is...

  3. Happy Christmas Steve. Firstly to note your generosity in supporting other people blogs …. Prolific!

    The Peleliu book has my attention … is this a serious first step towards the looking at this as a possible future campaign game that you recently mentioned.

    I am re-discovering a certain joy of re-engaging with 1/72 kits, it might that nostalgic thing, but it is under-pinned by a real affection for everything about them.

    Terry’s Chocolate Orange was a product of York and when visiting the city, there is a small section of journey, near the factory, where you could smell the ‘orange’. Of course by time you read this, you will have eaten the whole thing and feel sick :-).

    1. Thanks Norm for your kind words on supporting other Blogs! We both agree that it is very important to support fellow Bloggers, as it is much more enjoyable a medium than Facebook et al IMHO.

      The Peleliu book is an attempt to get more au fait with this campaign that is generally neglected I feel. Wheter it leads to anything I'm not sure. Currently I'm re-reading the Pacific Campaign section from John Keegan's History of WWII book that I've had for years and very illuminating it is too.

      1/72nd completely hits that nostalgic sweet spot for sure. I've even been tempted to get some Airfix Afrika Korps figures to make some dioramas and conversions as per the magazine guide.

      Fortunately I've shared the orange with the family, but in years gone by I would have polished if off in one go, more or less!

  4. I have been having A LOT of trouble leaving comments recently but just did a test so hopefully this one will publish (after approval!)
    I have not had a Terrys Chocolate Orange for years - I am sure they are available here but not on every corner, if you know what I mean!
    My daughter came up with a plan for "adult" Christmas a couple of years beck we all draw a name out of a hat and buy one present for that person worth a ser amount - which is all very well but means you buy (and receive) one present - not as much fun, in my opinion!
    Not knowing who has "got" me, I can't then make "suggestions" on what to buy - as it turns out, my wife got me this year, so asking for toy soldiers would have been a waste of time anyway :) I will put up a post of what she got later today probably.
    1/72 kits can be fun - or not - depending on the manufacturer! I have been persevering with the Bolt Action 1/56 kits and they are OK but can still be a bit frustrating - I really prefer the likes of Armourfast or PSC!
    I am glad you had a good Christmas Steve and look forward to following your blog again in 2024!

    1. I've had comments disappear into Spam folders on an irregular basis, with no rhyme nor reason to it! Terry's Chocolate Oranges are everywhere and I'm sure when the shops re-open, there will be Cadbury Creme Eggs for Easter😒.

      Secret Santa's are no fun IMHO. Much better giving people a list of ideas if you go down that route so at least they know where to aim for present wise. The best bet is to buy for yourself as I do, to guarantee satisfaction!

      I checked out the kit and it looks rather tasty and thankfully doesn't have those 'rubber' tracks of years gone by!

  5. Nice, nice, nice. I loved "Never joke about chocolate! It's far too a serious subject for that😉!" Never a truer word said in jest.
    Hope you all had a great day Steve.

    1. Thanks Chris and we did have a nice and relaxed day, even though distinctly untraditional, which might be anathema to some, but works for us. Glad you liked the chocolate bit too. Maybe I should sell it as a tag line to a chocolate company...😉?

  6. Merry Christmas and the Happy New Year sir!

  7. Very nice Steve, Merry Christmas to you and yours.
    Best wishes

  8. Glad you got a little of what you fancy - it does you good! Looking forward to some more fun with you in 2024 . Happy New Year

    1. Thanks Chris and hope you got some nice treats too:). Looking forward to something in 2024 for sure!
