Friday 29 December 2023

End of Year Review 2023

As another year draws towards a close, once again it's time to take stock of what has been a rather funny old year on the gaming front. As always things kicked off with plenty of good intent, but then my mojo simply went South for much of the year, returning for a brief spell in late Summer with a burst of activity, followed by another fallow period. Multiple reasons why which I won't bore you with!

So a bit of a more detailed view of the year as follows:

Rules Bought
Xenos Rampant
Lion Rampant 2nd Edition

I had no intention of buying any new rulesets this year, but more on that later. However any of the new 'Rampant' books by Dan Mersey et al are rather hard to pass up, so I treated myself to these two. 

Wargaming Books Bought
Storming Eagles - German Airborne Forces in WWII
Destination Dunkirk - The BEF in France
The Anarchy - The Relentless Rise of the East India Company
Case Red - The second campaign in France 1940
Osprey Kos & Leros 
1809 Thunder on the Danube Vols II & III
Armies of the Italian Risorgimento
BKC Korean War supplement
Osprey War of the Roses Essential Campaigns
When Titans Clash - The Soviet Union in WWII
Airifx Ancients Wargaming Guide
World Uniforms and Battles 1815-1850
Osprey Peleliu 1944

As is the norm these day, a real pot pourri of books as you can see. Some were bought for my planned France 1940 Campaign, others for general reading and some for future plans and campaigns. The only disappointing purchase was the Kos & Leros book, as whilst it contained lots of good info, it was a really hard read and there was too much detail, so that it was hard to follow the events. Sometimes less is more.

Miniatures Bought
WWII German additions
WWII Soviet additions
WWII Refugees
Sci Fi Aliens
ACW Confederate & Union Army Packs

A quiet year on the purchases front, with most stuff bought to flesh out existing forces, with the exception of the ACW ones. These are for future ImagiNations forces, but I see these seeing the light of day some years hence.

Miniatures Painted
German WWII Infantry Battalion and Support
German Early WWII Armoured Cars
ImagiNations 18thC India

A better year on the painting front I feel, with a burst of activity in the early part of the year and then another in the build up to the Cotswold Wargames Day. The latter with hindsight felt too rushed, as whilst a deadline is good, it did feel too much like work rather than hobby painting. 

Terrain Made
Paddy Fields

Despite my best intentions, only terrain for the 18thC India game at the CWD made it onto and off the workbench. 

BKCII France 1940 Campaign
Leros type Campaign
East India Company 18thC Forces
German mid-19thC ImagiNations Force

A year that began with many ideas, but only one was finished, or at least to a level that I could play a game with! Sadly the others withered on the vine.

Games Played
BPII - 2
Honours of War - 4
WRG 1925 - 1950 Rules - 1
Shadow of the Eagles - 3
Wavre Campaign - 1
Abensberg to Wagram - 2
The Dragon's Lament - 1

BPII & OHW Scenario 11: Surprise Attack.

BPII & OHW Scenario 12: An Unfortunate Oversight

HoW & OHW Scenario 13: Escape

WRG Rules Poland 1939

Shadow of the Eagles

Landshut 1809

Hausen Teugn 1809

India 1755

India 1755

India 1755

France 1940

Forest of Dean 1685

Probably my lowest level of games played for many, many years, for multiple reasons. However, there were some notable highlights, with Norm Smith's Wavre Campaign being one and the games at Chris Gregg's another. For the first time that I can remember, I only got in one game of BKCII, which was a bit of a shock. Normally this heads the table and would have, had my planned campaigns gone ahead. Something to rectify next year.

Wargames Shows Attended
IPMS Avon Show
Cotswold Wargames Day

At least I managed to attend some shows this year, with the CWD being the highlight. Colours would have been better had it not been the hottest day of the year, making it a test of endurance for all involved!

End of Year Thoughts
I make notes of games played etc as the year progresses, so it's always rather interesting for me to look back and reflect upon various aspects of the hobby. It certainly has been a year for introspection and thinking about what I want from the hobby and how best I can go about achieving it. So in no particular order:
  • Like many gamers, this year I've taken stock of the figures I have, the periods I want to play and the rulebooks I have. Simply put I have too much and have spread myself too thinly. As has been mentioned before, I have started to have a serious cull on the rules and figures front, which has already been very cathartic. I still have plenty to do and I'm not sure if much of it will be bought. If not a trip to the charity shop will be in order or I will simply give stuff away.
  • Ruleswise I am sticking to Honours of War for my 18thC games, Black Powder II for the 19thC and BKCII for WWII. This will make it much easier to keep track of things so to speak when playing games, so I can spend time on play rather than my nose in the rulebook. They are also solo friendly, something that is very important for my games, given most are like this.
  • Skirmish games, aside from the 'Rampant' stable, are going. I keep thinking I will enjoy say some WWII Bolt Action games, but in truth I will not, as I much prefer Battalion sized actions and above. The 'Rampant' games will sit nicely for quick 'petite guerre' actions that fit in with the narrative of 18th & 19th games and campaign. Also having the same engine and having playtested many of them, they are easy to pick up after some time away. Importantly they are FUN!
  • Having decided to focus on core periods, I need to do the same for the relevant forces. So many got the playable stage and then I moved on to other projects, leaving them in limbo somewhat. I'm also trying to focus on one period, so for example France 1940 or Normandy 1944, to see that I need to prioritise on the painting front to add those small units I've been meaning to finish for years, such as 17pdr ATG's or some German SPG's. 
  • For years now I've much preferred Campaigns, to one off games, as I find them so much more enjoyable. Not only from the games point of view, but from doing the research into OOB, the terrain etc, something that can be done when painting or terrain making is simply not an option. Whether this will be a WWII one or something different such as the Camberwick Green one, I will enjoy both equally as much.
  • Terrain wise I need to spend some time making a few more things, such a fields and woods, as well as BUA's. Also I need to focus on various buildings that I have that have been in storage for too long and need to get painted and onto the table. All of this will tie in with the project that I will be working on for a campaign etc. The aim is to try and maintain focus across all aspects of the hobby.
  • Time is a precious commodity as we all know and is something that is oft in short supply in my role as a parent/carer. This really impacts my hobby time in multiple ways which would take too long to explain here and would probably bore most of you to death! With the aim of the clearout and focusing on core periods, I'm hobby those moments of time that I can spend on the hobby can be better spent than they have this year.
  • Screen time is oft talked about as a waste that could be better spent at the painting table etc. But whilst this is very true and something I agree with, in my role as a parent/carer, it is a precious window on the wider gaming World and a way of vicariously enjoying our wonderful hobby when I don't have the time to experience it myself.
  • Storage has been an on going issue for sometime, both for figures and for terrain. SWMBO has been wonderfully tolerant but it has come to the point that it needs addressing. Even with the clear out that is underway, it is remarkable how much space it all takes up. Fortunately our daughter has moved out as shw is workign in London, so I can utilise her room for a bit whilst I figure out the best way to address this issue. Figures are pretty well sorted into A4 box files, but the terrain storage needs some more thought as well as organising in a more coherent way.
  • Vlogging versus Blogging. This year I have started to watch a few Youtube Vloggers, which can make a nice break during the day, around a time I try and spend watching tv on my own. Whilst interesting for the most part, I can't but help think that much of the content would have been quicker to type and post with some photos (and certainly read) compared to all the post editing etc required. Whilst I will carry on watching, for me the real enjoyment if the written (or typed) word.
  • Wargames Shows wise, whilst I enjoy attending to get inspiration etc, I doubt very much that I will buy much whilst I'm there, other than used books, given my focus on core periods with figures that I already have. So whilst my individual non-purchasing will have little impact, I do wonder how many gamers attend but don't buy and obviously what impact this will have on the future for our Wargames Shows.

Looking Forward to 2024
So what plans for next year? I'm never one to make New Resolutions, but a few aims are below:

  • Complete the cathartic clearout on the figures and rules front.
  • Focus on campaigns which in turn will allow for the painting etc to follow suit.
  • Play more games which naturally will link in with the above.
  • Try and get more FtF games in with friends.
  • Explore the Pacific War in more detail with the aim to possibly gaming it one day. Plans are already underway for a smallish USMC force from Pendraken.....
  • Carry on Blogging!

Well I think that's it for this year's review. Time to go and do some other gaming related activity or maybe even a walk, if we can dodge the torrential downpours we've been having!

So it just remains for me to wish you all a Happy New Year!



  1. Hi Steve, considering the dips and highs of your own wargaming mojo, that still remains a solid list of material, gaming and thought.

    The Hausen Teugn 1809 must have been a ‘spectacular’ in the calendar year and the 18th Century India imaginations, a most satisfying project with a highlight ending at CWD.

    Your clear thinking on just having a tight number of rule sets to draw from, with a ‘go to’ for fave periods is a significant string to your bow and yes, I too am surprised that BKC made just one appearance. I know last year it was the backbone to at least one campaign.

    The themes that you raise of storage and re-organisation and review are seemingly more commonly perennial than they have been before, reflecting perhaps that those that have collected over many years are needing to re-evaluate.

    You have taken in a goodly number of book titles. These days, I get few reference titles (keepers), buying mainly on Kindle for storage purposes and those books that I do buy, I don’t, for storage reasons, consider keepers. They are in the read once and get rid category. Of prime example is a title that I picked up today ‘Military Blunders’ by Saul David.

    I know what you mean by Vlog Vs Blog. I enjoy some Vlogs, but the main issue I have with YouTube is that many YouTubers eventually get caught up in the thing of needing more hits because it generates a revenue and that in turn means that some posts seem to be made just for the sake of posting and keeping up the hit rate.

    Anyway, looks like you have a firm plan for 2024. Hope this translates to more games. Also thanks for the unstinting support and encouragement that you give to so many blogs.

    Best Wishes for the New Year.

    1. I suppose a 'solid' year sums it all up rather nicely Norm. A game a month is not bad all things considered, even as a seasonal gamer, where little happens during the Summer months. Games with friends have been 'spectacular, whether with Chris Gregg or at Keith's with his lovely Poland '39 forces. Another is in the offing in the first week of the New Year which will be nice:).

      I think many of us are getting to that age where we need to consider what we can achieve in a reasonable amount of time, so we can actually enjoy playing with our toys! A decade or more ago I thought I would have had much more painted and completed by now, ignoring the realities of work and family and the demands (rightly so in the latter case) on my time. In another decade I will be 70, all being well and know that my painting days might be more or less over, given my shaky arm and its likely deterioration.

      On the positive side of this I am now much more focused on what I want to achieve short term and on what periods etc. After that we'll see how the land lies etc. I certainly feel the benefits of having had a clear out mentally and physically that has long been overdue.

      Books are one thing that I have to have a physical copy to read, as I just love the whole experience of opening a book, sat in my chair etc. I know the huge benefits of a Kindle etc, but it's books all the way, despite the issues re: storage.

      A fair point about regular Vlog posts just to keep the viewing numbers and revenue coming in. Some I might stop following but will certainly keep watching Little Wars TV and Mark's Games Room, both of which I really enjoy.

      Fingers crossed 2024 goes to plan and I will most certainly keep up my support for the Blogs I follow as they are my 'wargaming hit' whilst stuck at home!

  2. Compared to some (specifically Me) you’ve had a decent year Steve. In ‘23 I’ve prepared a fair few small-ish armies for DBA/HotT, OHW, TPW etc but only a few have been painted (by someone else) and I’ve only had a couple of games. I’m stopping work at the start of April ‘24 and reach State Pension Age the following month, so hopefully I can make more progress at that stage. Storage for books, magazines, comics is my first challenge.
    Like you I love the feel of books - even the smell of books - and only buy books on Kindle when they aren’t available as a hard copy.
    These last few years I’ve dropped from mostly 15mm to primarily 2mm, but with some 6mm and 10mm for larger “skirmish” type games.
    Happy New Year to you and yours (roll on retirement I say).

    1. I suppose from my point of view it is a below average year on the gaming front Geoff, but to others it will seem a lot of games or hardly any at all. As long as we are happy with what we can fit in, then that's good enough!

      I thought I would have a lot more time since 'retiring' to become a full time parent/carer, but that is not the case, with this year taking up a lot of my time and mental energy. Dealing with local government is challenging to say the least:(.

      Another book fan which is good to see! Just being able to go to the bookcase, randomly grab a title, open up at any page and read is such a treat in my view.

      I tried 2mm figures, which give a great feel for massed battle, but was never happy with how to make roads, rivers etc work, without them being part of a base board. I hope come Spring and your retirement you can get these chaps into action:).

  3. Funny, I began replying to your year-end wrap post (which I always enjoy very much!) but as I put together my response, it quickly became something else and lengthy. Rather than bore you will my philosophical ideology on several of the topics you and Norm raise, I may save these thoughts for another post, another time.

    The one relevant comment I will make is really a question. As you look back on the year drawing quickly to a close, what was the main driver for your loss of wargaming mojo in 2023? We all wrestle with this demon from time to time and we can all learn from one another.

    I agree that the wargaming community (I prefer blogs and the written word and rarely watch a vlog) provides an important conduit of information and connection to like-minded gamers. These screentime interactions are no waste of time but an important piece of community. Can they be utilized more efficiently, sure. Should they be pared down as a bare minimum to reach someone's goal? No. Then again, this is a hobby and up to the individual to make these decisions without pressure or influence from outside. 

    As always, I enjoy your posts and your support and encouragement to others through your commentary.

    1. I'm glad you enjoy my end of year wrap up Jon:)! I hope you do get to publish a post on the topics that Norm and I have raised, as it is always interesting to read other gamers take on things, their plans etc. It's always good to challenge one's own point of view.

      My loss of mojo was purely down to my role as a full time parent carer for our son, who has SEND and the dealings with local government, both of which are inextricably linked. The constant 'hyper vigilance' required on all aspects of the day leaves one pretty exhausted mentally and emotionally. It's hard to sum up unless you have lived experience of it, but the best analogy I've found is that you are a firemen in the firestation on duty: you know you will recive a call to an emergency, but you don't know when, you don't know where, you don't how serious it is, you don't know how long it will take sort out. And you get this 24/7 and no break.

      So it's really hard to plan for any game related activities and this year, although we made lots of really good progress, left me with no fuel in the tank. Any spare time I had I spent pottering around in the garden to relax, or sort of plan for future games when I had the energy. I hope this explains things?

      As mentioned, Blogs are my window to the wider gaming World and are an essential part of my gaming fix each day and keep me connected, given my relative 'social isolation' as a parent/carer. Some days I will spend a lot of time checking in, certainly at this time of the year, but others barely at all. They do provide plenty of ideas and inspiration and having made this post, my mind is switching back into games mode after the Xmas period, which is good:).

  4. Replies
    1. I'm glad you thought I had a good year Michal, which is lovely to hear!

  5. Thanks for a very interesting review Steve. I'm glad our games helping to shape "Abensberg to Wagram" rules is a highlight. Please don't go down the Vlog route, I don't think video is a good medium for wargaming (unless you have the silky polished voice of JP!). I like blogs as you can pick and choose the time you spend on each and skim faster than trying to guess in YouTube what bits will be useful! Number of games? I think you did rather well , Sir. Savour the quality not the quantity, that's what I try to do.

    1. Your welcome Chris! Games hosted by yourself are more than games IMHO, they are a great social experience too, with all the great and good natured banter that goes with it, amply provide by myself of course (😉) as well as Guy, Dillon, Paul etc and you as our host. Then of course there is the excellent custom terrain, the figures and scenarios to savour.

      It is rare to be able to take part in such games, so whether it be Keith or yourself hosting them, they are certainly highlights of the year for me and others too I'm sure.

      Going down the Vlog route, God forbid! They provide a welcome distraction, but do not compare to a well written Blog post, which as you rightly say, one can skim through to parts that are of interest and then digested and commented upon at leisure.

      'Savour the quality not the quantity' is something well worth bearing in mind for next year and beyond!

  6. An interesting review Steve. I think time is something that we all struggle with (for differing reasons). I like your look ahead and think you’ve drawn some sensible conclusions about what your focus should be. And it’s provoked some thinking on my side. No firm conclusions as yet though.
    All the best for 2024. Glad to read that you will continue to blog!

    1. Thanks Chris! I'm not sure if it's something in the water or not, or maybe we are all reaching a certain age, but there does seem to have been a lot of games related soul searching on Blogs this past year. I know turning 60 has given me pause to reflect upon where I am and where I want and/or need to go in the next few years. It's something I've been mulling over for quite some time, but the new decade and not being able to call myself middle-aged (as our daughter constantly reminds me!) has been the push to finally start sorting things out, or at least making a start. I look forward to seeing what thoughts and conclusions you might reach with regards to our wonderful hobby.

  7. Thanks for your interesting and reflective review Steve. I hope that it gives comfort to know that many of us in the hobby struggle with time and "mojo" for a number of various and very individual and personal reasons. That you have had a solid year and are advancing with your rationalisation of your hobby experience is a great reflection on you.
    Wishing you a happy New Year.

    1. You're welcome Richard and glad you enjoyed it:). This year the lack of mojo was longer than usual, as it normally comes and goes but for short periods. I have 'time', but finding enough of it to sit down and do painting etc is the challenge, as I always seem to get interrupted just as I'm about to start! The rationalisation is already bearing fruit, as I'm much more focused than before, which is nice:).

  8. A very interesting retrospective Steve - all good points but I am not in agreement with many of them!
    I am aware I have a lot of stuff and it's definitely a problem storing it all (a problem that could be easily remedied if SWMBO allowed me to purchase an additional formica style storage cabinet for the garage - but she won't - so she has to put up with random A4 box files piled up on half my painting desk and on top of the "beer" fridge in the garage etc!) I have zero inclination to get rid of troops - even the ones I have bought, painted, stuck in boxes and never used again!
    Rules is easy - I have never bought any - so don't have to worry about that side of things! I do like my solo skirmish games though and have had some face-to-face fun with western gunfighters and the Border Reivers, so that type of gaming will definitely continue! I do understand the desire for one or two sets of rules that you instinctively know what happens next in 90% of situations - and simpler is better in my mind too!
    Books - in the main - I borrow from the library, read, and return. If I need them again, I can order them up - being in a city of 1.5m people with 30+ local libraries, almost any book can be obtained with a day or two wait.
    Campaigns do appeal to me, but I have only played a "real" one once, about twenty years ago - to me, I would want to have a real-life opponent in anything other than a very small scale, skirmish campaign.
    I seem to have plenty of time (usually) despite still working full time - maybe I have no social life or don't "do" enough - but I have around 4 hours each evening plus most of Sat and Sun most weeks. I spend a fair bit of time keeping up with blogs etc - mind you, I totally ignore mainstream social media (no FB or X for me) so maybe that's where I am ahead of some others? I agree with Jon - nowadays, it's quite an important part of my hobby experience and I would definitely miss it if blogs start closing down - vlogs are not the same at all - I occasionally drop in on Little Wars TV buts that's more or less the only wargaming stuff I watch on YouTube - for example, "Reject" Big Lee often posts about an interesting topic, but I can't be bothered to sit through his vlog - I would prefer he just wrote what he wanted to talk about on a standard blog!
    Shows are easy - we don't have any worth attending and have no wargaming industry locally - so we just have to enjoy these vicariously from the UK and US!
    Hope you have a great New Year - I am off to my mate Julians now (Sat 30 Jan) for an afternoon/evening game, Ruth and I have some social stuff planned with friends for Hogmanay tomorrow then we are off on a surprise 3 day mini break Ruth booked a couple of days ago - I don't even know where we are going - which should be fun and involve a return to some bush walking, as long as the weather plays ball!

    1. Thanks for taking the time for such a comprehensive reply Keith:). I knew you would have a different take on things and it's always really good to hear different points of view, as it makes one consider one's own stance on these things.

      I think I went through a phase of trying to find the 'perfect ruleset' for each period about a decade ago, only to realise after much expenditure that of course it doesn't exist! What I've learnt is to have a core set of rules so that you can really get to know them, which in turn makes scenario creation much easier. After all it's the scenario that makes for a good game, not the rules per se, but obviously they play an important part.

      Books are and always have been a weakness for me, ever since reading the 'Famous Five' with my Mum way back when. Although I do part with a few, I keep the vast majority and love to have them to hand for 'instant' reference, especially when planning scenarios etc. Sadly libraries are closing here or only open half the week. I should use them more to help keep them going but in all honesty I rarely have the time to visit, despite one being very close.

      Social media I only use to access support info for our son, otherwise I wouldn't have a FB account at all. No need for it otherwise! I think we all agree that Blogs are way better than Vlogs, but as mentioned, I do like the Little Wars TV and Mark's Games Room ones. Any others I think I'm going to unsubscribe to make better use of my time as it were.

      I was wondering when we would see some NZ Tourist board posts from you as it's been sometime. Fingers crossed the weather is kind for you and enjoy your Hogmanay celebrations!

  9. Happy new year Steve , lots of activity at least even if the mojo was lacking , hopefully more to come in 2024

    1. Thanks Matt and all being well, the mojo is going fine at present, so fingers crossed for 2024...

  10. Lovely post Steve, you are so right about time and the need to focus. Great to see so many projects underway, much like you Cotswold was a great day and always serves to get the creative juices flowing.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks Stu and the CWD is pretty much the gaming highlight of the year for sure!

  11. Great report…it’s very hard to put on paper all the hobby-related stuff and one’s interaction or occasional lack of over such a long period, but take heart that your blog is an inspiration for others, as well as providing a record of your own hobby progress.
    I find myself very much in agreement with the previous comment that one should “ 'Savour the quality not the quantity' …”. Wise words.
    + Do stuff you enjoy, as and when you can 👍🏼. Wishing you a productive New Year.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Martin and many thanks for your encouraging words:)!

  12. Very much engaged with and connected with your year-end thoughts, in particular the challenges/rewards of the hobby cull (which I've recently gone through)--as well as how much space the hobby takes up, even afterwards. Then again, after a cull, at least you can say that what is left is deliberate and not just an accumulation. The Lion Rampant (family) of rules is a keeper for sure if you're looking to streamline--they do allow you to get alot of gaming out of even a limited collection. Looking forward to '24!

    1. I thought it might strike a chord or two having read your latest post Ed:)! The Rampant family take me back to those wargames as a kid, with simple rules and the emphasis on 'fun', hence they are definitely keeps and hopefully will get more air time this year.

  13. The main problem with too much stuff is the condition it is in: painted stuff is ready to go whenever so I don't have much issue with that, but unpainted / unfinished miniatures are a burden to me. This year, I decided that instead of buying more miniatures I'll just pay for the ones I have to be painted.
    besides, your biggest list you have above is books bought; so the lead pile can't be that bad. though you're bookshelf might be groaning.

    And I can relate: my children take ALL my time. thieves all of them.

    happy new year!

    1. I agree that the unpainted miniatures are a burden for sure, especially when I have more than in all honesty I will ever get to paint talk less of play with. The lead mountain was built up around 10 years ago, give or take, with many packets having lain there since they were purchased😮! Good to have you back Stew!

  14. I love your statistical approach to your retrospective. I wish I was as organised!

    1. Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I borrowed the basic idea off another Blogger. It is quite nice at the end of the year to look backon games played etc that oyu have often forgotten about. Then of course you can get a surprise at how much stuff you've bought too!
