Sunday 2 October 2022

What's In A Name?

Why the change of title you may well ask? Well when I set up this and my previous Blog, my wargaming consisted pretty much of just WWII battles, using Flames of War (Oh the shame!) and then Blitzkreig Commander II. So the title was appropriate. But over the years my wargaming has diversified somewhat and is a richer experience for this, thanks in no small part to fellow Bloggers across the Globe, but particularly to Keith Flint and Dave Fielder, who have opened my eyes to the joys of the Seven Years War, the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War etc.

Whilst at Chris Gregg's recently during a lunchtime chat, one of the other gamers aked my the title of my Blog, which I told him. He then matter of factly said "Well I wouldn't have bothered checking it due to the title", or words to that effect. And he was right. It gives a rather narrow definition of my interests which do not convey the current state of my gaming. So time for a change. After some thought, well a few hours if I'm honest, I came up with 'Wargames With Toy Soldiers: 1685 - 1985'. Why? Well read on dear reader, read on.

Toy Soldiers.
I've always talked about my wargames a playing with Toy Soldiers as I think it conveys my approach to the hobby. I know some whom will disagree with the 'toy soldiers' sobriquet, but I feel it reflects my rather relaxed view of my games, which are about enjoying all aspects of our wonderful hobby and if I happen to win, then that is the icing on the cake.

1685 - 1985.
One might argue a slightly arbitary time frame but it reflects my current gaming timeframe and frankly it has a nice ring to it. Details of this below:

The Monmouth Rebellion.
Over the past few years this has become of increasing interest to me, mainly because I live within a short walk of Keynsham, which was the high water mark of Monmouth's advance, plus a few other local landmarks linked to the rebellion. It is also an interesting campaign to wargame due to its fairly linear nature in terms of routes travelled, increasing size of engagements etc. Of course it also provides some interesting 'what ifs?' that can be gamed, something again that I'm finding increasingly of interest to me these days.

The Glorious Revolution.
A combination of factors put this on my radar a few years ago, from Pendraken's superb League of Augsburg range being released, the Monmouth Rebellion leading naturally on to this, as well as Keith's excellent Bydland Blog that had some AAR's that led me to buying Barry Hilton's War of the Three Kings rules. As with the above, there are plenty of interesting 'what ifs?' to be gamed (a theme you will notice developing!) as well as moving the action to Europe should you so wish.

The Jacobite Rebellions & The '45.
Not something that I had ever considered gaming until one night in a post game chat, Dave suggested we give it a go using the excellent Honours of War rules as a basis. I was hooked and the rest is history as the say.

The Seven Years War & ImagiNations.
I had no interest in the SYW and frankly had not heard of ImagiNations before, until a good few years ago I met up with Keith Flint at our old wargames club for some WWII games. This led on to games at his house where he introduced me to the SYW. A complete novice in all aspects, I very quickly became fascinated by the period as well as to me, the aesthetic purity of Linear Warfare. Plenty of reading and gaming followed which led to my buying some of the classic Old School wargames books that I'd missed out on as a kid and the joy of ImagiNations gaming.

The American War of Independence.
Honestly this interest came about I think as a result of buying plenty of figures from the Pendraken AWI range, with the intention of gaming the war. This has been stalled for far too many years, but may once again see the light of day at some point as I saw my partially painted forces recently. 

I think it fair to say that this is in the embryonic stage at best. Compared to the SYW everything seems rather confusing in terms of tactics, how cavalry and infantry behave. My knowledge is slowly improving but what I really need are more Face-t-Face games with someone who does know this period so that I can get to grips with the basics. At least I have bought some forces for the Vendee Campaign, which may broaden out into a sort of Quiberon Bay expedition type campaign. Watch this space...

Mid 19thC Europe.
A period we learnt about at school, but one that was not really on my wargaming radar at all. This changed with the arrival of Dave Fielder for games chez moi alongside the publication of Chris Pringle's superb Bloody Big Battles rules. I also had the pleasure to meet Bruce Weigle and the late Mike Embree at Colours for several years, which only kindled my interested in , to me, now fascinating period for wargaming. Currently this runs from the 1848 Revolutions and the 1st Schleswig-Holstein War right through to the Franco-Prussian War. As was seen at the recent Cotswold Wargames Day I have, as is my wont, added an ImagiNations slant to this which I'm really enjoying. Also there is the opportunity for some 'Invasion Literature' type games too, which I've played with Dave and have plenty of plans too for the future.

The American Civil War.
As with the above really in terms of Dave and Chris providing the inspiration to explore this period more fully. This has been ably abetted by the superb Stephen W Sear books on some of the most important battles of the Eastern theatre. I have plenty of Commission Figurine figures for this period, but may be tempted to go down the 10mm route as the new Pendraken ranges are so tempting...

A Very British Civil War.
A setting that has continued to grow on me since the original book first came out a good few years ago now. I love the fact that you have rather broad artistic licence in terms of materiel that you can field as well as the uniforms to kit your troops out with. Something that I think really only appeals to British players, but there is also plenty of historical incidents and actions that could be used to braoden the scope should one so wish. Alongside this I also dabble in the Spanish Civil War, but much prefer the AVBCW these days.

Well where it all began really, with the Airfix magazines that my Dad had, the films and documentaries on TV, as well as those Airfix and Matchbox figures and kits that were part and parcel of the hobby back then. In all honesty probably still my favourite period, mainly due to the nostalgia attacjed to it.

Cold War Gone Hot.
I have not played any Cold War games for many, many years now, but did have lots of fun at the club in a campaign run by one of the members, using the original Cold War Commander rules. Then other periods outlined above came to the fore and so this fell by the wayside. This year on a whim I bought Cold War Commander II and since then my interest has been re-kindled. I've yet to do anything other than draw up some provisional lists, but this will definitely be gamed in 6mm rather than 10mm, the default 'scale' for my games these days.

No Ancients, Medieval or Pike & Shotte?
In short, no. I've tried to get into these periods but they have never really grabbed me or been able to maintain my interest for more than fleeting periods at a time. So for the moment they are parked as it were, whilst I concentrate on the above which do interest me.

So there we have it. Plenty to stop me getting bored, or to look at it another way, to keep flitting from one period to another without ever really settling on one for a decent period of time! At least currently I'm focussed on painting some opposition to my Ruthenian forces, so not all bad.

Well Covid cases are on the rise and we are being warned of a Covid & Flu Winter, so I'm not sure how much, if any FtF gaming I'll get in over the coming months. Not a lot probably but at least my solo games will carry on as per normal. So until next time, stay safe and keep healthy.


  1. Your title really through me, Steve! It still says Wargaming Addict on Jons PWJ blog, but when I selected it, it came up under the new name. So I assumed I had selected the wrong blog and went back to PWJ to get the right Wargaming Addict again....and I am back on the Wargames with Toy Soldiers blog I started reading and very soon recognised your prose style and realised I was in the right place after all. Thanks for the plug for my own blog, by the way....not sure I can take much credit for inspiring an interest in Barry Hiltons work, but if that's how it came about, I am pleased I was able to point you in that direction!

    1. Hi Keith, sorry abut the confusion as I hadn't realised I needed to change to Blog 'address' too. Hopefully all fixed and working now, as technology is not my forte...

    2. And, as if by magic, the name now appears as intended!😀

  2. Thumbs up on the name change, it provides a certain focus. For AWI, I think you could do worse than look at the Live Free or Die rules by Little Wars TV …. It does of course mean that you will spend the entire winter painting AWI :-)

    1. Thanks Norm. The LFOD rules are good but far too many bases I'm afraid for my games at present. Maybe one day...

  3. P.S. your name change is shown on the post, but not on my reading list!

    1. Hopefully all fixed as per reply to Keith above. Don't hold your breath though...

  4. Nice new title Steve. Not quite as snappy, but it’s clear what it’s about.

    Got myself vaxxed recently. Booster for Covid and annual flu jab. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks Chris and I'm glad it is more clear as to the periods I game now. Our son has his jabs on Friday and mine are due in a fe weeks time. Let's hope I keep clear of any viruses until then.

    2. Steve, Boots are doing a walk in service, I got mine today, 4 weeks ahead of my due date (and the flu at the same time).

  5. Plenty of interesting periods to go at Steve, in terms of names I did once consider calling my spell the ‘dungeon master’ but then thought I might attract the wrong sort of audience 😀

    1. Thanks Matt. As for the possible name for your Blog, you would certainly have had lots of 'hits' from various bots etc. Best not to think about it too much;).

  6. Well that’s confused my blog roll! It can’t find you at the mo. I know my own blog title could do with a little amendment too - probably “thinks about gaming a lot but doesn’t seem to get any done.” Would be more appropriate these days.

    1. Sorry about this old chap. Frankly I didn't think it would cause so many problems! Even for me I had to sign in again several times before everything seemed OK. For me it still shows the same number of followers, Blog posts etc. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I should have flagged up the intended change in advance. I certainly won't be doing this again in a hurry!!!

  7. A rose by any other name...

    Steve, you had me worried this morning when I clicked on your update link and received, "This blog has been removed." Yikes!
    I was able to track you down and add your new blog into my list. Good to see you are sticking with it but under another name.

    What happens if your focus changes?

    1. As mentioned above, sorry for the confusion and cock-ups caused what seemed to me to be simple changes. Lesson learnt. Looking back over 10 years or so the core periods haven't really changed. Naturally things may be added or others have less time spent on them, but that is the way of things of course.

  8. Makes sense, despite the initial confusion! The blog is dead, long live the blog. ;-) I don't know how people get their heads round so many periods of interest, though...;-)



    1. Possibly an easier route would have been to create a new Blog to un alongside the existing one, however I wanted to keep it all in one place. Sadly it didn't quite go as smoothly as I'd hoped...

      Compared to some I seem to have quite minimal periods of interest, which suits me fine. I like to be able to go from say WWII, to Linear Warfare, then maybe some FPW etc. It keeps things fresh for me.

  9. Steve, just to give you more angst! My reader was still showing wargame addict and was getting a blog removed result, so I went into my settings and manually added you. Of course it is not that straight forward, you have to edit with feeds/posts/default.

    Once I did that, I went back to my front page and you are now there …. Twice!, once as Wargame Addict and now also as Toy Soldiers.

    What does all that mean, I don’t know! All your new posts will have a new identity, so after a short passage of time, it won’t matter, but, it looks like just because your followers are still there does not mean that they will automatically pick up the new title!

    I think this is just a blogger problem. I know recently that I have picked up a few new followers, but I suspect they simply clocked the ‘follow’ button, but haven’t gone in to manually add the necessary feeds/posts/default extension. They probably think I have gone quite :-)

    If I am wrong about this, can someone in the know say so, in the meantime, I will try and explore the issue a bit more.

    1. Thanks for the 'heads up' Norm. Everything appears the same on my Blog, with all the Followers, posts and comments etc showing. The WWIIWargamingAddict doesn't show, but I know another Follower has had problems still. I think I'll go and lie down in a darkened room for an hour or two and hope all the problems just go away... ;).

    2. Norm, if you read my comment above, I had to do exactly the same.

    3. Hi Jonathan, es, I saw that, which reminded me to try the same, which of course works. I do wonder how many followers, believe that this is a fully automated process (which it once was) and are in fact following in name only, rather than getting updates.

      I have just carried out an exercise on another blog and have confirmed tat there is no way around this. I have e-mailed Google.

  10. At least the mystery of the disappearing blog has been resolved. One positive side effect was that I only just now realised that I hadn’t been “following” your blog - rather I had saved the link to your blog on my iPad, just clicking that 2/3 times a week to see if there was anything new.

    Yes, we do play with toy soldiers - we are playing a game after all. A wargame, a game of war. Some might argue that they are “modelling a conflict simulation” but I reckon that’s very much a case of poe-tay-toe / poh-tar-toe.

    From an individual point of view we game (wargame) what we like/prefer/enjoy for reasons that we don’t need to justify. If others enjoy reading about your gaming “exploits” - I’m not sure that’s what you might call it Steve, but there you go 😉 - then good luck to ‘em. And if it doesn’t “float their boat” let ‘em move on and read someone else’s blog. Even if a gaming period isn’t necessarily what you are interested in you might still find the scenario/gaming mechanism can be adapted to other periods/eras.



    1. Well at least we have one positive outcome of my 'update' today Geoff! Long may we all continue to play with toy soldiers; in fact I have a game set up for tomorrow:).

    2. A game tomorrow? That sounds good Steve.
      Sadly it’s back to work for me ☹️. Luckily they will give me ££’s which I can exchange elsewhere for toy soldiers 👍

    3. It's been a while since I had a game at home, so hopefully a nice and relaxing way to start a busy week. In a sense I'm always at work as a full time parent carer, all for the Princely sum of £1.65 per hour. It drops down to £1.15 per hour if you include weekends, which of course you need to. Not sure what to spend my ill gotten gains on yet though...

  11. I have AGAIN! sent Google feedback concerning the need to manually update the blogger follower widget with the feeds/posts/default extension, rather than the follower button being a truly automated process.

    The feedback button is on the settings page of your blog page - if others could do the same, our voice re the problem may become a little louder. `cheers Norm.

    1. Certainly the update from last year (?) has made many things harder, Bizarrely some Blogs are easy to follow via the button, other I have to manually enter as you say. All too much for my simple brain a lot of the time!

    2. The strange thing is, it is easy and fully automated to follow people on YouTube - which is also a Google platform. I can’t work Google out, giving us what we have for blogger must be a huge resource commitment by them, especially as it is free, yet they short change themselves by making it difficult to work with …. Though I note, they seem to have sorted the spam thing out, I miss my daily spammer - not!

  12. I enjoy the blog no matter what you call it, and it looks like the "Follow" survived the update! :-)

    1. Thankyou and I'm glad that for you at least, it has been seemless and painless transfer!

  13. Found the "new" blog at last. I had to re-follow just to be sure. Regards

    1. Sorry for all the hassle and confusion Tony but happy that you've found the 'new' Blog now:).

  14. I didn’t get the memo about the change so my blog roll is as others has mentioned. Found you again. 😀

    1. Glad you've found the Blog again Stew. Some have not had issues, but precious few. The joys of technology...
