Wednesday 6 September 2023

An Indian Summer

With meteorological Autumn having arrived on 1st September, my mind always seems to switch back into gaming mode as Summer has finished. However after a rather iffy July and August, there is something of an Indian Summer happening here in Blighty, both literally and metaphorically speaking.

Normally at this time of year the temperatures cool and we get the odd nice spell of sunny weather on occasional heat, which we appreciate all the more knowing cooler weather is on its way. Not at present as we are having a heatwave with each day 28C (82F) or more and tropical nights where it will not drop below 20C! So it is rather too hot during the middle of the day to do anything, but at least gaming related activities can continue at a push.

Generally I've always painted in the evenings, to give me consistency of light and when the kitchen is free. But with the current heat and my wife back at work in school, I've taken to painting in the early morn, before it gets too hot. Also I've found I'm much more alert and so find it easier to do the work that requires a bit more concentration. So on average I've been able to complete a unit each day, spread over 3 sessions, so not as to tax my old brain and to keep it fun and not feel like work. This equates to main colours blocked in, then details added and overall wash applied, followed by highlights and lacquer. Some recent work can be seen below:

Ottomans masquerading as mid-18thC Indian Sepoys.

Simple white clothes with colourful headgear to make them pop. I even painted their moustaches, thanks to the simple brilliant ABC Brushes I bought recently! Flags yet to be decided upon but they will be colourful.

One of four Light Cavalry units ready for higlights and lacquer. One unit will be painted as per a Light Infantry unit colour scheme so that they can be used dismounted for future ImagiNations games.

Dave was up in Bristol this week and so popped by for a few hours for a catch up, which was nice. We ran through my thoughts on using Honours of War for 18thC India and tweaked a few things here and there. It should be fun and with elephants, camels, loads of cavalry and rocket troops, it will be a bit different I'm sure! Fingers crossed I'll get some trial games in in advance, once I've broken the back on the painting front. I'll post our amendments here and on the HoW group when i've got a spare moment or two.

This weekend I'm off to Colours, which really does mark the return of the wargames season for me. Normally the weather is OK and hopefully warmish, but it's forecast to be 28C and so will be considerably warmer inside the building, which is South facing and fully glazed on that side! I've a few pre-orders to collect and will have a browse to see if anything takes my fancy, normally a book or two. There appears to be a good mix of games and for the first time, they are running some simple intro games for kids, which is a grwat idea. How long I last there due to the heat remains to be seen, but I hope to be able to take my time and have a good wander round.



  1. Those sepoys look great Steve! What models are they?
    Shame Colours is this weekend. I haven’t been to a show for years, but every time one comes along that is within reach, I have another commitment.

    1. Thanks Chris! The figures are from the 16thC Ottoman range (Renaissance) and are a mix of OT2 Foot Command (I converted the standard bearer) and OT9 Janissaries with musket type 1.

      I book the show in in advance on the calendar, so everyone knows I'll be away that day. Mind you I have been going for years so they sort of know already. The Warfare show would be easier for you to get to Chris as IIRC it is now at Ascot racecourse. Time to book it in... ;).

    2. It's a double-header this weekend though Steve. Girls looking at Leeds Uni and conveniently Grimsby are playing at Bradford. Son coming over from Liverpool and cousins coming over from Grimsby. Well triple-header really as we'll stop over at my sister's Friday night. So even if I'd put it in the diary Colours would have got shaded out.
      Warfare's gone in the diary though!

    3. Gosh you are busy this weekend! Fingers crossed you can get to Warfare...

  2. 40 years wargaming - and I’ve never been to a single show! Lol. Not likely to either given where I live. Those Ottomans look absolutely splendid mate, well done for your painting perseverance.

    1. Well I only started going maybe 15 or so years ago Mark! In those days you got very good show discounts, could see the stock etc as the internet was still in its early days and not all retailers had websites. Now of course it's changed completely and gone the other way, with some major companies not attending now, which is a shame. Also I only do a few shows at most, as often you see the same games from show to show, which is really what I go to see and to get inspiration from.

      Glad you like the Ottomans:). With the show deadline it is really focusing my mind, as normally I'm terrible at flitting from one project to another!

  3. Great progress on the models. The heat is a bit zapping, I had hoped it had all gone away for this year (yes I know - humbug!). Enjoy your wargame treat at Colours.

    1. Thanks Norm! The heat is not too bad for me, having lived in Nigeria, so I know broadly what and what not to do etc. The main issue is that our houses are not designed to stay cool, so sleeping is the tiring part, or lack thereof!

      I'm looking forward to the show but expect it's going to be boiling, especially on the top floor and hope they open the doors to allow some ventilation in!

  4. Nice to be getting a bit of an Indian Summer, Steve - here, we have had an "Indian winter" as in monsoon level rainfall - but the last couple of weeks have been a lot better and 1 Sept is the start of spring here, of course - so improving weather and temps are to be expected hopefully!
    Jealous as always of you guys' ability to just pop out for the day to a wargames show - our nearest one is probably Sydney or Melbourne!

    1. It is really nice to have some warm and sunny weather after a very disappointing August, but it is a tad hot at night, making sleeping and issue as mentioned above. Still given all the weather issues across the planet, we have nothing to complain about. Fingers crossed you guys get a nice Summer this year...

      Maybe you guys could put on your own show, rather like Keith Flint does with the Cotswold Wargames Day. Really it's just the local village hall where we all meet up and has spread by word of mouth. No traders but there is a sort of bring and buy, but mainly it's about the games and chatting with friends. Sadly the day whizzes by and you never quite have enough time to see everyone you would like to.

  5. Enjoy your time at Colours Steve. I invariably enjoy shows to pick up books, checkout figures/models etc. A Bring & Buy is always worth checking out. Participation games are nice - especially if you’re not sure whether (whatever) rule-set is what you’re looking for. Then again, they can often take a chunk of time out of your day. Still, it’s always good to support traders.
    I see there is another show at Newark soon - The Other Partizan on 8 October. Dunno whether I’ll attend this time, as I’ve already been to two shows at Newark so far this year.
    Today isn’t soooo hot in Sheffield today - thanks goodness. The grass, however, does need a cut, so perhaps that’s a job for tomorrow… 🏡⛲️
    And I’ve still got a few 40k/Epic vehicles and figures to prep & base for a One Hour Wargames sci-fi game.

    1. Thanks Geoff! I tend to browse the games and see what's going on, with hopefully someone in attendance to explain things etc. Sadly some games seem to be a boys day out with no interest in talking to the punters:(. The Other Partizan is too close to the Cotswold Wargames Day, so would have trouble being away for two weeks in a row, plus the travel time as well.

      25C in the hallway at present with barely a zephyr to help cool things down. The last few days we've had a good breeze which has been a blessing, whilst today you could cut the atmosphere with a knife!

      Our grass needs cutting too but will wait until 7.00pm onwards to see if I have the inclination to cut it or not...

  6. Oh, how I want to painting at the mornig!
    Have a little children and have a time at the evening...

    1. When our kids were young and in bed by 7.00pm, it was nice to have an hour or so of painting. Nowadays it's really mornings are the quiet times for me, bar the odd day.

  7. The white uniforms of your Ottomans really 'pop'! They look great. Good to see some time spent at the workbench. 28C (82F) is no heatwave in my part of the world. Near perfect air temperature.

    1. Thanks Jon! These days I find painting brighter colours than I might have before works well with my impressionistic painting style, so that the figures do 'pop' when on the table. 28C is not hot per se, but here we have very humid heat compared to say Europe, where it always feels a lot drier. It's this that is taxing for us. The price of our maritime climate I suppose.

  8. Fantastic work Steve. Morning painting seems to do the trick. Alas, if only work didn't get in the way.

    1. Thanks Richard! Well being a full time parent/carer and 'working' form home all the time, I can fit stuff in around my 'duties' as it were, which is nice. If only I didn't have to deal with Local Government...

  9. The figures look really good. Horray for the start of your wargaming season. We all got events like those that sort of kick everything off. Hope you enjoy the show. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew! September is about 10C-12C hotter than the seasonal average this year, so it doesn't quite feel right for the start of the 'season'! The show should be fun but it will certainly be a test of endurance as it's forecast to be the hottest day of the year...

  10. Excellent work, Steve. These armies are going to look wonderfully exotic compared with the usual Horse and Musket armies. I look forward to seeing your modifications to Honours of War too. And as someone who really dislikes the heat, the less I say about this week's weather, the better! ;-)

    1. Thanks David and we're hoping that both armies will have a touch of the exotic to them. Hard not to really when you have elephants on the table! Last night was a killer, with it really hard to sleep due to the high humidity. Then this morning all the cars are covered in a thin layer of Saharan dust/sand, dappled due to an overnight light shower!

  11. Lovely finish on your Ottomans/sepoys! Enjoy Colours, I'm hoping to make it to Partizan in October, I really enjoyed it in May last year, it's not too hot at night I find, if it get too bad we move to summer quarters in the basement!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! As mentioned the October Partizan clashes/is too close to other shows and family stuff. Shame as it's such a good show and the best on the circuit IMHO. Fingers crossed I can to one of them next year. If too hot, we sleep downstairs, but give out son first dibs as he really doesn't like the heat!

  12. Hot indeed Steve…one of the benefits of the cellar/dungeon is a stable cool temperature. The new figures look great and a unit a day is a very productive approach. I have been testing some of the warlord epic ECW figures and finding them fairly quickly to paint as well

    1. At theminute I think we could all do with a cellar/dungeon that is a cool temperature. After my trip to Colours today, 26C in the house seemed cool!!! More on that soon.

      Glad you liked the figures and as the weather is due to cool down by Monday, so hope to get back to painting by then, as time is ticking by...
