Sunday 7 April 2024

Radio Silence

It's all got a bit hectic here as on Wednesday our son signed his tenancy agreement and picked up the keys to his flatπŸ˜€! I think we are still in shock to be honest, as after so long trying to get this sorted, it has all happened so quickly. What this means is that naturally pretty much all of our free time is now taken up with getting everything sorted for him to move in in a few weeks. Fortunately the Charity that owns that flat have been brilliant, so there is barely any paperwork for me to do, which believe you me is so good to hear, as my life seems to revolve around forms etc. However we are now reacquainting ourselves with IKEA et al to sort out furniture, which for once has been very quiet when we've visited. Having spent my working life assembling stuff, putting flat pack furniture together is a breeze, getting it there is the tricky part. So for the next few weeks there is going to be zero games related stuff, as I'll either be too tired and/or my hands too shaky at the end of the day to do anything. Short term pain for long term gain and all thatπŸ˜‰!

The upside from all of this is that I will get my games room sooner than planned and SWMBO has even agreed that I can sort this out before focusing on the rest of the house. Given that I have my stuff spread around the house, this is a wise move, as I can have all of my stuff in one place. I think I will have a bit of a surprise at just how much stuff I do have, especially when it's collected together in one small room. I would like to have a painting table there, but after sketching up some ideas, I don't think this is feasible. First World problems and all that! Sketch layouts and ideas are well underway though, but until the room is free I really won't be able to get a feel as to which layout works the best. Exciting times though!

Sadly I'm still experiencing Blogger problems as mentioned before, with a near complete lack of comments reaching my inbox from other Blogs I follow. I know I'm not alone in this, which helps, but it is bloody frustrating to say the least! It all started around the time that some Blogs were bombarded with SPAM from a certain 'Dramacool' and one other and hasn't been the same since. I have sent numerous reports to Google about the problem but so far no response and no fix. It really has taken all the pleasure and fun out of following Blogs if I'm honest. Whilst reading the post is of course nice, the conversation that follows is as important, well it is to me at least. I'm not holding my breath on this getting sorted soon, if at all, but I hope someone somewhere is trying to fix it...



  1. Two steps forward with your son’s going out on his own (this must be cause for celebration but also a little apprehension) and you gaining your own gaming space but one step back on the blogging front. On the blogging front, have you considered adding “Blogs Followed” widget so that you at least see when a blog is updated with a new post. I hate the thought of losing your fine commentary on my own blog.

    Good luck in the move and IKEA assembly! Hope to see you back soon.

    1. Hi Jon,
      I think my wife is more worried than I and has already said she is going to miss him, as he is very close to her, whereas my daughter is closer to me. He is very excited about having his own independence at last, but we will still be closely involved for at least a year I would have thought, until he is fully settled in and used to his many new routines.

      Finding new Blog posts is not a problem as I use the Reading List to check on new Blog posts. It's the lack of being able to follow the comments etc that I used to be able to do in my email inbox, whereas now I have to go back to each Blog post to check them, which is a pain in comparison.

      IKEA assembly for me, so not worried about that, more about our oven that just died suddenly, which could not have come at a worst time to be honest. At least we won't need it for a few days, which takes the pressure off...

  2. Hi Steve - Good that the domestic side of things are moving forward.

    I would second Jonathans idea about the widget, I think as you get frazzled over the next few weeks, just enjoying some blog content in moments of peace might be a good chill.

    1. Thanks Norm! It's easy to get my gaming fix as I use the Reading List tab to see what Blogs have added new stuff etc. It's not being able to easily follow the conversations part that is a pain.

  3. Chin up mate, we will all still be out here waiting for your return. Great to hear you’ll be getting some hobby space of your own. I can remember all to well how restrictive it was in our house in Wales. You might be surprised by how much « stuff » you have when it’s all collected in one place!

    1. Thanks Mark:). It may be a small space but at least it will be MINE! I think 'shocked' more than 'surprised' will be my reaction. Time will tell...

  4. Good news on your son’s flat Steve. Exciting times.

    1. Thanks Chris! Busy and exciting with a packed schedule for the next week or so.

  5. Nice to read your sons flat is all going ahead smoothly Steve. Please DO NOT give up on commenting on our blogs - I have never had that email facility you are missing - I just have a bunch of blogs that I cycle round, and revisit every few days to see what the blogger has said in response to my comment, and read any other comments etc. I don't have the Blogs Followed thing either - don't tell anyone, but I actually use PWJ as my "index" - I just scroll through all the list of new comments on the right of Jons blog every day and look at the ones I want to read/comment on!

    1. So far so good Keith, although the local authority couldn't find him to start with on their system when I had to submit some docs today! Not getting the comments is a pain as mentioned above, it's the conversation part I miss. Still no feedback despite my multiple reports:(.

  6. Good luck with all this…sounds like it’ll all come together (in due course), and that’s good to hear. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    1. Thanks Martin and so far it's all going pretty smoothly...

  7. hope all goes well with your son's newfound freedom and your newfound game room. I hope blogger works out but I have no real advice on it. 😁

    1. Thanks Stew! A big step for him but one he wants to take and much better to do it now whilst we are still around and able to support him. Game room sketches continue but once the room is cleared, the real work will start:).

  8. That is good news. Although as you say there will be addition work preparing your son’s flat and later sorting the games room out.

    1. It is good news Peter, especially as this flat is as rare as hen's teeth. Today is the start of prep as we were struck down by colds after signing the tenancy!

  9. Excellent news about your sons flat and I'm sure you will be surprised by the amount of kit you will have accumulated no doubt! I'm like Keith I just pop in and work my way around blogs so I'm no use to you I'm afraid!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks Iain! After a nasty cold, today we started moving some stuff in, with it really kicking into gear tomorrow. IKEA is a second home at present;). I don't want to think of all my stuff gathered in one place, but maybe with better storage it won't look quite as bad.....

  10. It’s clearly all go, go, go Steve. Go to IKEA, go to your son’s flat etc… and soon your son will be gone too. You’ll miss him then. Still, life is full of change.
    I’ve now finished work, prior to retirement next month. Gaming can now start in earnest - my fingers are covered in superglue. Grrrrr… 🀬

    1. Definitely all go at present Geoff. Luckily he is not too far away, so easy to visit and for him to visit us, which is very important for the transition to succeed. Enjoy your retirement and lets us know if you set up a Blog etc:).

  11. Looks like Dramacool got us all, Russian Bots no doubt.... Glad your son is sorted.

    1. I think Dramacool has a lot to answer for Stu😠. Moving our son in, albeit slowly, certainly makes me feel my age and discourages us from the thought of moving house, unless we get a big lottery win of course!

  12. Steve, I'm so happy to hear about your son's progress towards independent living. You've had to work so hard to make it happen. It must be satisfying seeing him embarking on a new period in his life. Wonderful news!

    1. Thanks Keith! After nigh on 20 years thinking and planning for this, is still seems slightly surreal that it has actually happened.
