Wednesday 26 April 2023

Blogger Issues

For some reason unkown to Man, Blogger has been doing some weird things of late. Specifically random replies to my posts appearing in my Spam folder, whether from myself or not, years after they have been 'posted'. Today was the best yet in a comment from myself counting as Spam and from 6 years ago! I kid you not.

So apologies to those of you have have been kind enough to reply in the past and maybe have been a tad miffed that I did not comment on your replies. I most certainly would have but Blogger in its infinite wisdom decided not to publish, until some random date and time way after the event.

Another issue that is new to me is that some of my comments on other Blogs are going straight to the Spam folder. I know I have this issue with a few regular Followers on my Blog, despite repeated efforts to say they are not Spam, but it's a first for me as far as I know. So given this is not isolated to myself and my Blog, maybe it is worth checking your Spam folder under the Comments section?


  1. Steve, I have been experiencing a similar situation in which old, published comments are being dumped into SPAM. Some of these comments go back to the beginning of the blog. This situation has been persistent for a few weeks now and it is occurring with increased regularity. While annoying, it is easy to move these errant comments in bulk back into their proper place.

    Why published comments can revert to SPAM is a mystery to me too.

    1. Obviously Blogger is just deciding to have a fit of pique over certain comments! Luckily it's only a few so far, so easy to put back in place so to speak.

    2. Ironically, MY experience of something similar involved Jon too, in that a couple of his comments did not appear on my blog, and when he mentioned it, and I went looking - I found them in the spam/junk folder!

    3. It's only a few that always go to spam, with some now and then. Very bizarre!

  2. Hi Steve,
    I’ve not had any activity on my blog for a few weeks, but one fellow blogger’s comments always end up in my email spam. Just the one person, despite me always marking them as ‘not spam’. No names as they say, but he’s a jolly chap always sweeps the board. 😉
    Chris l/Nundanket

    1. Funny! That same fellow sweeps into my SPAM too yet his comment always publishes automatically nonetheless.

    2. I have exactly the same issue Chris, despite multiple attempts to say it's 'not spam'. So Bloggers on the odd occasion end up in the Spam folder, but rarely so. What is annoying is when a comment doesn't appear in my e-mail InBox for approval, yet quietly sits in the Blooger Spam folder awaiting approval!

    3. That fellow does the same for me, whether in Wales or France! Confused? I sure am.

  3. It's probably a general "glit" of the blogger because I get 100 spams a day..
    But he publishes them on new ones and no guest comments are lost.

    1. Technology is wonderful, but when it plays up, it's a real pain. Yesterday I had a reply from myself from 2015 appear in my Spam folder...

    2. The same...
      I go to my blogger and what? 20 New reply spam! Madness...

    3. Madness indeed Michal:(.

  4. Yes, the same for me. Very odd but that's the joy of technology...

    1. Technology is great when it works David...

  5. These problems sound awful...I am delighted to say I do not have these issues....maybe because I do not approve comments...I have so few !!!!.....but allow immediate posting. Also I tend to check my email Spam daily anyway....Regards

    1. I check my email spam folder too Tony and most times these delayed comments do not appear there. I used to not approve comments, until the level of Spam became an issue. The price of fame I suppose;).

  6. I haven’t noticed anything weird on my blog yet. I mean besides the normal strangeness. 😀

    1. Your humourous and erudite posting have probably confused the Bots, AI, Chat GPT etc stew, so they don't know what to do;).

  7. I had the same Steve a week or so ago.

    1. Good in one sense to know we are all in the same boat Stu.
