Friday 11 December 2015

Bloody Big Battles Terrain

Further to my recent post on our first game of BBB, Chris Pringle kindly sent me a link to his  Bloody Big Battles Blog , which contains some ideas on how to tackle the potentially tricky subject of terrain for the game. Now being a professional modelmaker I want my wargames table to look coherent visually, yet at the same time fit the battlefield being represented as closely as possible. 

The following pictures, courtesy of the Pendraken forum, show a pretty good way of overcoming the issues raised above. Forum member Leman used cardboard cutouts of the contours for Spicheren to create the hills and simply lay them under table cloth. This to my mind is a nice way to do this and very easy too. Also the woods etc work nicely with felt to delineate the area. 

So my plan is to take a trip to my local Fabricland in Bristol to get some felt cloth for woods, roads and rivers and spray them a bit to break up the uniform look. Fingers crossed problem solved...

Leman's Spicheren table looks pretty damned good to me.
To my mind simple yet effective terrain.



  1. Hi Steve,

    This is how I do hills It works really well and only cost me a couple of door mats.


    1. Thanks for the link Richard. The doormats idea works really well and also gives a nice amount of height with minimal effort.

  2. I am a big fan of the door mat as well, given that they can be used upscale to represent fields and brush.
