Tuesday 11 June 2024

A Dream Come True!

Over the years I've been somewhat envious of those other gamers that have had their own dedicated wargames room. Maybe I need to get out more๐Ÿ˜‰? So when our son left and moved into his own flat, SWMBO kindly allowed me to turn his old bedroom into my very own games space. Happy Days!

Now I suppose Estate Agents would call the room 'cosy', 'snug', 'an intimate space' etc, but in reality it is bloomin' small, no two ways about it, but still it's my room๐Ÿ˜Š! Having recently redecorated the space and added in some storage, I now have enough done to actually start getting some games in. There is still more to do in terms of adding some posters, a few decorative elements, but these can come along as and when time and motivation allow.

So below are a few photos of the space, to hopefully give an idea of how my new games room looks:

The view from the door into the room. Folding chairs are next to my bookcase to try and maximise the space when it's not in use.

The main storage units along the wall, with the trestles which will support my boards when the room is set up.

The drawers contain all of my forces with some spare for future projects. For anything without flags, I can add another level inside each one, thus doubling my space.

My reference library, with everything quickly fitted in, but it all still needs sorting out so it is easier to find what I'm after.

The room 'in use' as it were, with a 4' x 4' table. In theory I could squeeze in a 6' x 4' one, but it would mean crawling under the table to get to the other side! So bigger games will still be played on the dining room table downstairs, but I reckon over 90% of my games will fit on this table or smaller.

I'm still getting used to the idea that I actually have my own room, as it still seems a bit surreal. The greatest benefit so far has been the fact that I have all my troops (well the based and painted ones) in one place, making it much easier to get stuff ready for a game as well as remembering exactly what I have, not something that was easy to do with the collection spread across a couple of rooms and 3-4 places within those.

I have a plan for the first game to be played in my new space, but still early days of prep, but hopefully next week once some family visits are out of the way over this coming weekend.



  1. Hallelujah and pass the dice tray! You will soon wonder how you managed without a game room.

    1. Hallelujah indeed Jon! It's nice having pretty much everything in one space and will certainly make it easier to set games up, not having to trot around the house collecting stuff etc. Oh and that reminds me I need to make a dice tray!

  2. Congratulations Steve! The fruits of age!
    Looks like you have a good and flexible set-up there. I like the storage units by the way.

    1. Thanks Chris and one of the (few) benefits of getting older! I've just been making notes for a planned game in there, so nice to have somewhere I can retreat to for that sort of thing as well as playing games of course. The units are from IKEA and are about 25 years old now. Good beech veneer (not foil like many these days) and as sturdy as hell and rather heavy to move upstairs on my own. Thank God for many years of designing and moving furniture so know how to do this sort of move, but not easy as I get older!

  3. That's great! I used to have a wargames room and perhaps I will have again one day - it was really good.

    1. Thanks! Fingers crossed you will get yours back one day and now I've had a tidy up, it is so easy just to pop upstairs and do some game related stuff without disturbing SWMBO or being disturbed!

  4. Oh, congratulations! I'm still waiting for my.. (children first)

  5. Congratulations on your wargaming sanctuary.

    1. Thanks Richard and calling it a sanctuary has a rather nice ring to it:)!

  6. Yes I think a lot of us have this dream too Steve, but it is rarely realized.....of the ten or twelve people I game with semi regularly, only Barry really has a permanent gaming space, although Andrew has a two car (nose to tail) garage with the back half holding a gaming table, so I guess that counts!

    1. To be honest Keith I never expected it would happen, but this year the stars all aligned, which was rather a pleasant surprise. Of my gaming chums one has his study space and everyone else has to game at a club or on the dining table, so I know I'm rather lucky. Garage and loft conversions are an option too, the latter we did consider but the cost was way too much for the limited benefit gained.

  7. A dream come true indeed. I’m jealous. It’s my dream too.
    I shall expect an invitation. ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Let's hope your dream comes true in the future Stew and of course if you're ever this side of the pond, you have an invitation to come and have a game:)!

  8. Congratulations - 'small, but perfectly formed' :)

    1. Thanks David and I think that sums it up nicely:)!

  9. No looking back now Steve a ‘proper’ wargamer ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Highly debatable about being a proper wargamer Matt๐Ÿ˜‰!

  10. Congratulations indeed! Yes, I'm sure it's the dream of most wargamers to have a dedicated wargame room; its certainly mine! :-)

    1. Thanks David and at some point I hope you get to have your own wargames room too!

  11. Great to see, Steve ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘. Should be immense fun, being able to leave games in progress until you find a moment ti resume.

    1. Thanks Martin! Yes, I'm looking forward to being able to take my time setting up, playing the game and then taking it down. A luxury indeed:).

  12. Very nice Steve, very nice indeed ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ You even have space on the walls for prints, pictures etc. It also gives the opportunity to consider playing map games on the wall (as a youth I had a thin metal sheet inside a wooden frame, and the unit markers/counters were small magnets which I numbered for ease of identification).

    1. Thanks Geoff! A good point about a map board, which I had not thought of at all. Plenty of space for one and perfect for some mini-campaigns. Time to look at some magnetic boards...

  13. Nice storage cabinets Steve! My own 'study' (or 'hidey hole' as Jane calls it) is big enough only for shelving books, storing soldiers and a modelling/painting table. So, as you know, I wargame in the dining room. Oh, the indignities we wargamers have to put up with! But hearty congrats on getting your own space.

    1. Thanks Keith! One advantage of the smaller scales is that you need less space for a game (generally) and less space for storage. I could have had a nice painting area, but really at the expense of a gaming one, with the latter winning out as I wanted a games room first and foremost. Big games will still be on the dining table, so nice to still have that option.

  14. Very classic gaming room. I still have to clean the room after playing and all the toys are under the roof.

    1. Thanks Andre! I still ahve some stuff in the attic but hope to bring it down today, as it's wet and horrible here. Having everything in one place is a luxury but also makes me realise what I have, what I have forgotten about and what else I might need to buy!
