For no other reason than it's yet another sodding wet and windy day here in Bristol (it has been a very wet Winter😞) I thought I'd do a bit of an update on various things to help still feel connected with the outside World. So in no particular order:
The weather has meant that I've spent a fair amount of time reading, which I love and have done for as long as I can remember. I have a mixed bag of stuff waiting to be read as well as some that I've recently finished.
An absolute corker of a book on a period that I had only passing knowledge of. Wonderfully written and a real page turner, I not only learnt loads of stuff but it also, rather dangerously, had me pondering new periods to game, such as Russians vs Turcomans in Central Asia in the mid-19thC. Highly recommended. |
A book I picked up using a birthday book voucher as I've enjoyed all his books I've read so far, plus it was a part of WWII that I've read bits on, but not much detail. A good book but not one of his best to be honest, which may have something to do with the subject matter, which I felt was hard to make interesting. There are only so many ways you can recount the same sort of air combat, ie Germans bounce bombers, American fighters bounce Germans etc. I had considered some WWII air wargames, purely for the fun of painting the various camo schemes, but having read the book, I feel they would be a 'beer and pretzels' offering only. Maybe some WWI combats might be more in order? |
Another book voucher purchase, which I've not read yet, but has had plenty of good reviews and is on a campaign that I've long wanted to game. It will be a while before it's read as I'm reading Duffy's book on 'The Army of Frederick the Great', as I like to chop and change periods to keep things fresh. |
Paint & Flock
A series of hot Summers, lack of painting etc led to some of my paints completely drying up or getting to the point where I could no longer rescue them, especially the metallics. Also my supply of flock was running low and sadly the Expo Mid-Green Flcok I'd always used was no longer available. There were plenty of options online, but it was really hard to tell which ones might be the closest match. Luckily we still have a good old fashioned modelshop in Bristol (Antics) which is full of loads of stuff to tempt one! A trip there soon resolved my flock problem, with PECO Scene Spring grass being a very close match. They didn't have the length I really needed but now I know what to look for, I can buy this online and plenty of it!
Some years ago I recycled loads of old magazines that I never looked at, but kep a few that had articles of interest that I knew I would refer back to. They are also great for a bit of bed time reading when the brain is not up coping with a full chapter as the head starts to drop as I try not to nod off. These days I no longer buy magazines as I find little of interest and to be honest was really shocked at how much they cost these days, due to the steep rises in printing costs post Covid. £7.00 for a printed mag is way too much for me, given that I can buy a good second hand book or two for that price. Apparently more pdf copies are being sold than printed ones, at least with WI, and I can see this trend continuing.
An issue that I refer to often, as it has excellent articles on ImagiNations by CS Grant, a 1692 Battle for Britain by Barry Hilton and a series of actions based upon British/Canadian intervention in the ACW by Don Effinger. All of these appeal to me and certainly the latter two I hope to game at some point. |
Whilst not a magazine per se, it does have a superb article, or the second part thereof, of an Invasion of Britain in 1744 by the late Graham Cummings. Needless to say with the fun we've had around our version of the '45, this more than piques my interest and again is something that I want to return to and game at some point. |
With my recent run of Honours of War games using some 'Old School' classic scenarios, whilst searching my library (well book case really), I picked out the following rules from those Little Wars TV chaps from across the pond. The scenarios contained therein are brilliant but to be honest the sheer number of bases required means I will never play them as written. But it did occur to me that using HoW for the rules, I could quite simply translate the OOB into ones that would work, or at least I'm pretty sure they will. This is on the back burner for a while but I'm looking forward to seeing whether my ideas work or not...
Well worth getting just for the scenarios. |
Well not much has happened on this front, as any spare time I've had has been spent watching tv with SWMBO or playing games. Given that there was a distinct deficit of the latter last year, so far I've really had a lot of fun getting the toys onto the table and rolling some dice. However with some planned games coming up (see below) I actually got my paints out today and started on painting up some WWII US Paras, which to be honest are about as easy a paint job as you can get. Without a dedicated painting area, it can be a challenge to fit painting in, given the set up I have to work with in the kitchen, but progress is progress, no matter how small.
Amazon & Peleliu
In the afternoons I try and get a bit of 'me time' tv in, before all the action aroudn the evening meal kicks off. Last week on Amazon I saw a programme titled: '1st to Fight: Pacific War Marines' and thought I'd give it a go. Not a bad programme but I was very pleasantly surprised when they included a fair bit on the invasion of Peleliu, showing footage and still from the action as well as how the battlefield is today. Absolutely perfect info for my planned Pacific War games at some point in the future.
My planned Normandy campaign has stalled due to my lack of painting, despite and early blast of basing and priming at the start of the year. However as part of my magazine bedtime reading, the following issue gave me an idea for something based around Arnhem 1944.

Although the scenarios are for Chain of Command or similar skirmish level rules, it would be pretty easy to scale things up for some linked BKCII games to form a mini-campaign, albeit it on focused on just one days action. Sadly my British Paras are still in the various bags as they have been for many a year now, but with a few additions currently on the painting table, my US Paras will take their place. Heresy I know but it works for me and will allow me to play this out, something that I've planned to do on and off for a few years now. I'm pretty sure I have all the Germans I need and have been checking Kershaw's 'It Never Snows In September' to get some additional info for the campaign. Hopefully this will hit the table in the next week or so...