Things have been moving along at a nice and steady pace here of late, so I thought I'd provide a bit of an update on what's been happening on the gaming front. So in no particular order:
It's life Jim, but not as we know it
A classic line along with "It's worse than that, he's dead Jim" or "Klingons on the starboard bow" is my feeble attempt to segway into some recent sci-fi purchases. These are based upon the wonderful creatures from the Alien films (the first two are absolute classics) and I've been mulling over getting them for several years. So after some light bedtime reading of Xenos Rampant I took the plunge and ordered a mix of figures with no firm plans just as yet on how to base them etc.
The bare metal figures from Pendraken next to some 10mm cavalry to give an idea of scale, with the base being 40mm x 30mm. I wasn't quite sure how big they were but am very happy with how they fit with the other figures, as I was worried they might be smaller than I wanted. |
As is my wont, I already have loads of ideas of settings for them! A few include:
Space 1899 to use my 19thC figures.
Quatermass and the Pit for my AVBCW forces or even WWII.
Archaeological digs in Eygpt, so think the Mummy films with Brendan Fraser (I have a great Mummy figure should I need it).
Italy at Pompeii or Herculaneum with Vesuvius being their lair .
Sicily 1843 with Etna being the lair (again).
Los Alamos nuclear tests.
Tunguska type event.
Well you get the idea. Really I just fancied something that is pure fun and gives my loads of leeway for my games, which is pretty easy to do to be fair with this genre. Really the only limit is your imagination. I'm certainly looking forward to painting them, probably mainly black with colourful and bright marking and a good gloss varnish coat to really make them pop.
Scratch Building
I've always loved scratch building stuff and have some ideas for later in the year, once the India 18thC project is wrapped up for the wargames show. But as a sneak preview, the following items will form the basis of a couple of 'things'.
See if you can guess what they might become, after all it's not rocket science... |
The Korean War
With Father's Day recently come and gone, I treated myself to the latest BKC supplement from Pendraken on the Korean War. I have no plans to game this really but like to see what new rules they include and what ideas I can take from them for WWII or a possible 'what if?' of the Cold War kicking off in late '45 or '46.
Very happy with the purchase but the maps had to be done at the last minute as the person lined up to do them pulled out the day before it went off to the printers! |
Prime Time
For more years than I care to count I have primed my figures using either spray guns when at work or aerosols, the latter of which I always find hard to control, but do provide good adhesion. Then I saw a small video on Little Wars TV where Greg Wagman simply painted his 10mm figures with black paint over the bare metal using a brush. So I thought I'd give this a go as the weather these past few weeks has seen lots of rain which meant no aerosol usage was possible. Well it worked pretty damn well and allowed me to prime loads of stuff that I simply wouldn't have been able to do if going down the aerosol route. The other big advantage was NO toxic fumes as aerosols contain loads of really, really nasty chemicals! So I can see me now using the brush for most of my work but will still use aerosols for my AFV's due to the better adhesion and coverage.
18thC India
With my 'new method' of priming I have been making great progress on getting my 18thC India project moving force at a nice pace. I still have about 8 bases of infantry to do and then when complete, can start on painting each unit. I have an idea on uniform colours which will speed things up no end, at least for the Light Troops that is. I find that if I can see myself making progress, it spurs me on no end. Some of the units that will take more time to paint are included below, as they are pretty cool, but of doubtful use on the field of battle, but that is really not point!
Ottoman heavy siege artillery masquerading as some from an Indian state. However they did use Ottoman artillery experts and from what I can see the designs are fairly similar. I had intended to scratch build a wheeled platform for this, pushed by elephants and pulled by oxen, based upon illustrations I've seen, but I knew it would take too much time and effort given the October deadline I'm working to. |
Some Magister Militum elephants with Afghan jezzail armed infantry. Of little use by the mid-18thC and rather like the artillery above, more of a status and prestige thing to have. Time permitting these should look nice and colourful on the table top. |
I'm carrying on with various bit of terrain and hopefully some updates to show you in the coming weeks.
In Other News
With the school holidays upon us, things might slow down a bit as SWMBO and I take day trips etc as and when the weather permits. Our daughter now has a job in London which starts in October, so I might be allowed to have a semi-permanent games room if I'm lucky! Also our son, after many hurdles, should now be on the way to supported independent living, which might take some time to sort out, but at least that's positive news!
I have another Napoleonic game at Chris Gregg's at the end of the month which I'm looking forward to and will natrually provide a report post game. All the hard work he has put into it already should pay handsome dividends for all involved.
No gaming at all at present and I'm trying to maintain focus on the India project, rather than get distracted, which is my usual modus operandi! At least once things are moving on that front and I'm happy, some games will surely feature.