Tuesday 13 July 2021

Painting A Little & Often

For countless years my painting used to be done in the evening after everyone had eaten and the kitchen became free, which was the best place for me to paint. However as I got older and the family grew up, there was less free time available for me to sit down and get out the brushes and paint. Not being a fast painter at the best of times, things got even slower than before. Then with Covid and the national lockdown coupled with retiring, evenings became family time and my painting virtually stopped dead in its tracks. I used to enjoy my hour or so of painting after work, which was some valuable 'me time', especially after a stressful day, which was quite often in my old job. But I simply couldn't find the time nor the motivation to paint whilst in lockdown. 

Then recently for some reason it occurred to me that the kitchen was quiet and free in the mornings once breakfast was out of the way and my wife had gone to work. The light would not be a consistent as in the evening, due to the early morning sun shining in, but not a big issue easily overcome by drawing down the blinds. So I thought I'd give it a go and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I was able to achieve, helped in no small part by not being tired at the end of the day!

So whilst the iron was hot I have been able to paint up a load of early WWII German Panzers, which like many things have been on my 'to-do' list for too many years to mention. Not the most exiting AFV's to paint but very, very quick due to the dark grey colour scheme. No three tone camo to worry about here! So far I have managed to paint up enough for a Panzer Regiment for BKCII, which is more than enough for most of my games. Also I have found this new 'free time' is good for doing other gaming related activity, such as basing figures, terrain making etc. I've been spending about an hour each morning, which is enough to achieve visible results, which is nice, as you can see yourself making progress each day. The old adage of 'a little and often' is very true!

I aim to carry on in the vein moving forward, but due to it being Summer (allegedly), it will be variable as I tend spend as much time outdoors as I can, plus with the schools breaking up for the holidays soon, the 'free time' will lessen somewhat. When Autumn approaches and the schools go back, then the aim is to carry on as of late.

So until next time stay safe and keep healthy.


  1. Painting a little, often is my Modus Operandi too. Frequent gaming sessions and game planning has thrown a wrench into my painting this summer.

    1. Summer tends to be quiet on the painting front in general for me, as I want to spend as much time outside whilst I can. Game planning at least is taking place, despite no games for quite some time, but at least I have plenty of ideas for when I feel in the mood again.

  2. I used to paint in the kitchen first thing in the morning before anyone else got up, which COVID put paid to. I painted quite a bit in first lockdown, did very very little in the second. Partly it was having that quiet time and place which enabled it first time around.

    Anyway - looking forward to seeing these panzers come out.

    1. Having a dedicated painting cum games room which markedly in crease my output, as I could just pop in and out as desired and not have to set anything up. Hopefully the Panzers will have their aircraft recognition panels soon, then some photos can be taken.

  3. Also in the paint a little buit often camp; I tend to find mornings works best, but that usually has to be reserved for weekends with still working 50 - 60 hours a week!

    1. Fair play to you to be able to find time to paint whilst working such long hours!

  4. I find sometimes I can go a few days without painting anything, then power through a battalion of eighteen figures in two r three sessions. We have an internal access garage so I paint at an old desk out there, so that's a positive, although I don't have anywhere available to actually play games at home, which is a negative. Season doesn't worry me much...I paint as often during the hot summer weekends as I do during grey cold winter ones...but being New Zealand , we do tend to have about three quarters of the year when it's pleasant to be outside, so I don't have the same imperative not to waste nice weather inside painting toy soldiers!

    1. I too paint in fits and starts, largely governed by the weather and/or family 'stuff' that needs to be sorted getting in the way as it were. Certainly here this year it's been a case of making the most of any nice weather whilst you can, as it's been rather strange at times. The next 5 days or so are looking glorious so I doubt very much any painting will get done, but you never know...
