Wednesday 18 November 2020

Another year older, another year wiser...?

A few days ago it was my birthday and for once I was stuck as to what to buy as a treat for myself. Normally I have a list of bits'n'bobs that I add to over the months for various existing projects or possible new ones, so when the time comes I can place my orders and then give to the family to wrap up as a 'surprise'. But not this year. I think the whole Covid-19 situation, the second lockdown and a general feeling of ennui are to blame, as I can't think of any other reason. Speaking to friends and family on the 'big day' made me realise that I'm not alone in this feeling.
My normal purchases are toys for the lead mountain, books, new rules and any other items that catch my eye. However over the past 6 months or so of lockdown I've come to the realisation that I have more than enough toys as it is, given my speed of painting and the fact that in general I only game a few periods and anything outside of these are highly unlikely to see the light of day. It's been a long time in coming but my recent mdf figures have given me some clarity of thought, which is good.

However I was at least able to come up with some good books that ticked all the boxes for me and can be seen below:


The 'Battle Cry for Freedom' came about due to a desire to learn an awful lot more about the ACW and the history leading up to it, as to be honest I have only a passing school boy level of knowledge about this period. My interest has been picqued by some great games of Black Powder II with Dave prior to lockdown, alongside reading the superb books by Stephen W Sears on the battles in the East. These have given me a much greater understanding of why the battles turned out as they did, which I find invaluable as a wargamer.

Max Hastings is one of my favourite authors who presents history in an interesting and readable manner, interspersing the text with little gems of information and detail. Again my knowledge of the build up to WWI is at the same level as above. The opening battles are the most interesting for me, whether on the Western or Eastern Front. The campaigns in Africa and the Middle East are on my to read list, but not for some time yet.

The 'Case White' book I have yet to receive but will help flesh out my library on the Polish campaign and the early War years in general. The whole '39 - '41 period up to and including Operation Barbarossa are the most interesting for me now, as the offer up some many game and campaign possibilities alongside a whole host of 'what if's?'. Hopefully this will spur me on to carry on painting my Early War Germans, French and Poles, but don't hold your breath!

So in the end I was able to find some nice treats for myself, which was good, given the above. Let's hope Xmas proves to be better for all concerned but given the case numbers here in Bristol, I think we will still be in full lockdown when the day comes. At least the family will be together and one can always hope for the best! So until next time, stay safe and keep well.


  1. Hello there Steve J,

    That is a cracking selection of reading material that I am sure will inspire you! Naturally belated wishes for your birthday - these have all been a bit strange this year!

    All the very best and take care,


    1. Thanks David and I look forward to reading my pressies!

  2. Yeah happy birthday Steve - hope the lockdown is not too hard on you

    1. Thanks Keith. The lockdown is more frustrating rather than hard, with some day snaturally easier than others. The wet weather of late confining one indoors doesn't help, but does at least encourage painting and gaming.

  3. Belated many happy returns Steve.

    I know what you mean about Lockdown II. I fairly breezed through the first even though it was less liberal. Maybe the short, wet days don’t help.

    Varied selection of books. Should be interesting.

    1. Many thanks. During the first lockdown being able to be outside everyday with great weather made such a difference, so the wet weather of late really hasn't helped this time around. The ACW book is better than I expected:)
