Friday 10 January 2020

Battalion in a Box

As mentioned in my end of year review, storage is a bit of an issue, as it is for many gamers, so I've been toying with the idea of trying to get a Battalion in a Box. This is relatively easy to do for my WWII battlegroups, but maybe a bit more tricky for my 18th & 19th C ones. However with my aim of getting around 12 units a side, give or take, it may not be a hard as I imagine. It certainly focusses ones mind on what you really need for an 'army'. This is all very much a work in progress, but I thought I'd take a few shots to give you an idea of what I'm trying to achieve.

A US Airborne Battalion with organic support for BKCII. There is still space for a few more units should I wish to add them. The box is only about 9" wide.

An Early War German WWII Infantry Battalion with organic support. Another box would be needed for the change in support units throughout the war, but could easily be stored in just one other.

The other advantage of this system is that it is easy to get what you need from your storage as it's all in one box. This has a big attraction as currently I have my figures an armour in a variety of different sized boxes. Once I have sorted out my dedicated storage unit, it will be easier to figure out what box size works best across a variety of periods.


  1. Hi Steve, I think the New Year must have got us in ‘that’ frame of mind to sort out the higgledy piggledy on our shelves:-)

    I’m finding old jigsaw boxes to be a handy depth and they stack efficiently.

    1. It's that Spring clean mindset that always seems to occur after the post Xmas tidy up that's to blame. It is good to take stock of things as I did at the end of last year, so now it's a case of trying to implement my planned changes.

  2. Good idea! Do you always us the same rules and ToE for your figures? That is, is a battalion always a battalion?

    1. For BKC, which are my go to rules for WWII, I always play at a stand equals a platoon 'scale', so my Battalions are always Battalions. Even when on my 2' x 2' table, I still think at this level. If I wanted a Company or Platoon level game, I would change the basing and composition of the troops on them. Hope this makes sense?

  3. Good shout Steve, Spring cleaning seems to be in vogue at the moment, at least this way you can get what you need on the table quickly. I have been doing something similar and suddenly stuff that has not been on the table for years comes back to life.

    1. I think many gamers are getting to an age and/or stage where they realise that they have too much stuff and realistically will never get to finish it.
