During our post game chat last week, the topic of 'orders' came up for some reason or other. Normally both sides deploy their forces as they see fit for a scenario and then go on their merry way as the battle unfolds, with each player deciding how best to use his forces to achieve the victory conditions as set out. But what if the High Command dictates the objectives and then leave it to you to achieve them? Also, those objectives may be quite different from what your opponent is trying to achieve.
So this got me thinking about how we could replicate this on the table? The answer seemed simply to use some of the programmed orders options from 'Programmed Wargames Scenarios' by C S Grant. It seemed a simple solution and one worth trying out. Dave was game for this and so after a bit of thought, I came up with the following, based upon the 'Crossroads' scenario from the book.
Scenario Details
- Your
force is a 'reconnaissaince in strength', tasked with seizing a vital
crossroads. You expect some opposition as the enemy also realises the
importance of this junction. The urgency to seize and control the vital
junction is paramount.
- You
have not had the time to send a recce force forward, but you are
broadly aware that the terrain is hilly with some woods and a possible
village located near to the junction.
- Both
sides will use markers to hide their initial deployments. Once both
sides markers are deployed, then the forces can be revealed only once they become visible to the enemy.
- Deployment
will be via randomly determined roads, with one or more possible entry
points. Each side to have a column of march drawn up for each Brigade.
- Both
sides will randomly draw orders that govern their initial objectives
and deployment options.
- Artillery once deployed, may only be manhandled once per game.
- Both sides may choose their forces from the options as per the scenario book.
So with the scenario sorted, it was a case of choosing the forces and orders to be followed. I was to command the forces of the Empress Diane, whilst Dave to command those of Prince Benny. As Dave arrived late after a busy day, he randomly rolled for his force, whilst I had already chosen mine.
OOB Empress Diane (French)
5 x Battalions Line Infantry (inc one Grenadier Battalion)
1 x Battalion Light Infantry
1 x Regiment Dragoons
2 x Artillery Batteries
The force was split into two Brigades, one of which had a 'Dithering' commander, and two Independent units.
Orders: Deploy rapidly, ignoring the crossroads itself but pushing forces to the North and South to secure the flanks. Use any suitable position to your side of the crossraods to set up artillery and reserve.
OOB Prince Benny, Chemin de Croix (British)
4 x Battalions Line Infantry (inc one Grenadiers Battalion)
2 x Battalions Light Infantry
1 x Regiment Dragoons
1 x Regiment Hussars
1 x Artillery Battery
This force was also split into two Brigades, both of which had 'Dithering' commanders (which somehow seemed appropriate for Prince Benny!) and two Independent units.
Orders: Deploy rapidly, throwing cavalry round the ground to the North and South of the crossroads to take up ositions to dominate the enemy's likely approaches. Set up artillery on the high ground to dominate the crossroads and secure the area with infantry.
So with the forces and commanders sorted, it was a case of rolling for deployment. Those of the Empress Diane would come in from both roads, whilst those of Prince Benny, from one. It was then just a case of deploying our 'hidden' Brigades and then we were ready for the off.
The French were on the Eastern table edge, with the independent units between the two roads. The British were on the Southern of the two Western roads with the Independent units on the Northern road. |
Turn 1
Boths sides had some advances onto the table, but half of the British force failed to appear.
The initial advances onto the table. |
Some units are revealed as they are in plain view, whilst some are still hidden. |
Turn 2
The French deployed quickly as per their orders, whilst those of the British advanced as quickly as possible, but they still had one Brigade off table.
All units have now been seen as so are revealed. The British push tow units of cavalry along the Northern road, whilst the French send their Dragoons towards the Crossroads Motel. |
The British are ahead of the French, whose whole move to change formation penalty slows them down somewhat. |
Turn 3
The British are certainly in the lead in the race to the crossroads, with their Light Infantry on the edge of the woods. The French maintain a leisurely stroll in comparison.
The British although strung out along the road, are well on their way to achieving their orders. |
For the French the Motel seems a long way away. |
The second British Brigade plays catch up. |
Turn 4
Both sides suffered from poor command rolls and the little firing that there was was completely ineffective.
The British deploy on and around the Crossroads Motel. |
The French deploy their artillery to try and disrupt the British... |
... but to no avail. |
Turn 5
For the thrid Turn in a row, the French right flank fails their command roll! This is the stronger flank with a unit of Grenadiers attached to it, so not ideal that they are halted in the shade of the tree lined avenue. Else where there is a general advance and the French artillery scores their first hit on the British Hussars.
The French do not seem keen to spend the night at the Crossroads Motel (can you blame them?) |
Prince Benny seems to be falling asleep in the background as he is tired of waiting for the French to arrive. |
Turn 6
At last the French right flank wakes from their siesta and moves off towards the Motel, whilst the British continue to press forward.
The French flanks move slowly forward as the British dominate the centre ground. |
The second British Brigade advance in column of march as their artillery is detached to deploy on the hill as per their orders. |
The view from the French left flank. |
Turn 7
As the Southern flanks close within firing range of each other, the British consolidate around the Crossroads Motel, whilst the French right flank continues to advance slowly.
Both sides close ready for combat... |
... but their firing is completely ineffective. |
The view from the French right flank towards the Crossraods Motel. |
Turn 8
Dave: "There's nothing to worry about on that flank (referring to the French right flank." So the French, somewhat piqued by this, get a double move and advance to the outskirts of the Motel!
Things start to look interesting. |
The French completely miss with their shooting, whilst the British force a unit back disordered with theirs. |
The French look to be in a good position, with the flank secured as per their orders and the opportunity to possible assault the motel. |
Turn 9
A Turn of some small scale movement and once again somewhat poor shooting from the French artillery.
Both sides right flanks look to be in good positions. |
The French arrayed against the Motel. |
Turn 10
Some chess like moves see each side carefully manoeuvering their troops to try and gain and advantage over the enemy.
This could go either way very, very quickly. |
The French try to deploy more effectively against a formidable looking British line. |
The French threaten the Motel. |
Turn 11
A flurry of activity sees the cavalry charge at each other, whilst the French advance into the Crossroads Motel and shooting breaks out across the Southern flank.
The battle in and around the Motel. |
As the cavalry engage in mutually assured destruction, the British gain a slight advantage as they force a French unit back. |
The French push into the Motel as well as being in a strong positon on the flank. |
At this point time defeated us, so we declared that night had fallen and with the battle nicely and evenly poised, both sides withdrew to defensive positions under the cover of darkness.
Post Game Thoughts
Despite it taking a while for both sides to get to grips with one another, we both agreed it had been a good and challenging game. So how did I think it went overall?:
- Each side having their own 'orders' worked really well, as neither of us were entirely sure as to what the other was trying to achieve. It certainly added a new dynamic to the game.
- Having 'hidden units' at the start added a nice amount of fog-of-war and worked really well for this type of scenario.
- The house rule of allowing deployed artillery only one man handle move per game felt right for the period. It certainly made you think as to were and when to deploy them.
- Choosing the forces from the list in the book added another nice twist. To be honest some of them are much weaker compared to others, so a bit of common sense needs to be applied to makes sure that one side is not too stronog compared to the other.
- I'm sure I will use this sort of set up in future games, especially for these sort of 'Encounter' battles. I would recommend anyone trying to get hold of a copy of the 'Programmed wargmaes Scenario' book as it is worth every penny.
So despite the game ending in a draw, it has set the next scenario up prefectly. This will be a set piece battle for the Crossroads Motel as the main forces of both sides have caught up with their advanced guards and are now ready to engage one another for this valuable piece of real estate.
And for those that do not recognise the references to the 'Crossroads Motel' during the game, check the following out from what was, to my mind, a truly awful show:
Crossroads Motel protaganists