Tuesday 8 October 2024

Somewhere in Germany, Spring 1945 - Part One

It's been quite some time since I last had a game of BKCII. As an antidote to my CWD prep and painting, I decided to put on a smallish game on a 2' x 2' table. Nothing was firm in my mind as to the scenario, other than I wanted to have some BUA's to fight over. 

Whilst reading Caddick-Adams superb 1945 book above and the accounts contained therein, it morphed into a sort of mini-Westwall/Siegfried Line attack, especially as I was getting the terrain out of their boxes and came across my dragon's teeth and barbed wire. Certainly something different to my normal games where I like a bit of space to manouevre my troops around.

Forces wise I did a bit of a points calculation, with the attackers having 50% more than the defenders, but soon realised I needed to up this a bit. Whether this proves to be too much, about right or not enough remains to be seen. The results of all of this can be seen below:

An overview of the table, with the British attacking from the edge nearest the camera. The Germans are dug-in in and around the village.

My home made dragon's teeth that haven't seen action for years.

The RAF have made already made a breach in the defences across the road.

A minefield backed up with barbed wire.

The view from the German positions.

Dug-in Volksturm troops have been pushed to the front to absorb the intial assault.

A lone Pz IV in support on the right flank.

A Fallschirmjager MG42 covers the minefield.

A FJ Pak 40 and supporting heavy weapons cover the left flank.

A Stug III covers the main approach, supported by FJ infantry.

Another FJ MG42 covers the approach into the village, with other units nearby.

The rest of the FJ.

The CO dug-in next to the Panther, with its central position allowing it to move to meet threats that develop as required.

The British force.

Hobart's Funnies which will hopefully make light work of the defences.

The main armoured force of Churchills with Typhoon air support.

Three reinforced Companies, with assault pioneers attached.

The British heavy weapons in support including a WASP carrier.

So there we have it. The game is all set-up and ready to go, to be played hopefully later on today. It's been a long time since I played an attack on such a fortified position, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.

Alongside this the painting for the CWD is nearly complete. I need to finish a unit of cavalry, one of artillery and a couple of command stands and then that's it. If I have time a few civilians would be nice but I'll worry about that if and when time permits.

Thanks for reading and leaving a comment too.