Wednesday 18 October 2023

Welcome to the Jungle

On a bit of a post show wind down, I thought I'd take a few snaps of some of the stuff that was made and painted for the sure, both terrain and figures. So here you go:

Jungle bases with some figures to give an idea of scale.

A mix of aquarium plants bought from ebay. Time prevented me from painting them as I had planned, as they take acrylic paint really well.

Palm tree bases, again an ebay purchase.

A mixed bag of sizes, as I wasn't sure which would work best, so may order some more in the future, now that I know height wise what works best.

I managed a quick drybrush of these, but again had planned a proper paint job.

Some Magister Militum elephants with Afghan jezzails troops stuck inside.

Lovely sculpts bought years ago, that took some sticking together and filling the gaps, but the 12mm size made it easier to add in the 10mm figures.

Choosing the colours too some time, but am happy with the result.

Ottoman siege gun masquerading as Indian heavy artillery. I just love this model so chose it over the more appropriate heavy gun in the Pendraken range.

The gabions were some 15mm miscasts bought at Colours some years ago now.

Some of the Indian Sepoys.

In the end I went with simple flags due to time issues and that they sort of linked in with the Afghan light infantry ones.

My HEIC troops.

The flags are from David at Not By Appointment Blog fame. Sadly my printer was not playing ball, so had to hand overpaint these at the last minute. Fortunately they look fine on the table but don't do justice to David's excellent work. 

Some of my Indian command bases.

Despite all of my planning and starting the project early, or so I thought, real life issues meant that it was a tad rushed towards the end. The good thing with 10mm figures is that any problems on the paint front simply disappear once they are on the table or even at arms length.

Still, I have plenty more units to paint up, but can take my time now, but hope to finish the core force before Xmas. At least I have enough now to play some small games to carry on testing out our rules, but more on that in another post.



  1. What a lovely job you’ve made of this lot. Superb. You need a little man with a bucket following the elephants. Lol.

    1. Glad you liked them Mark:)! I do have a chap with a bucket all based and ready to paint...

  2. Nice job Steve, these are colourful chaps and clearly demand more work, but worth it and now you have a fine army to use at your leisure.

    Actually, the palm trees grabbed my initial attention, looking rather good and then your mention of adding some dry brushing explained all!

    1. Thanks Norm! I reckon I'm about 3/4 of the way there on this force, with more to be added for sure. Having a bit of a break to catch up on other stuff and then back to the paints. Hopefully I can get some games in too.

      The palm trees are really nice mouldings, although there is a bit of flash, but nothing too much to worry about. I had hoped to do a proper paint job, but alas time only allowed for a quick drybrush, which still looked good.

  3. Nice close-ups of your figs and foliage!

    1. Thanks Jon and more to come in due course!

  4. All looking good Steve. You really do manage to get a consistently impressive finish. Well done 👏👏

    1. Thanks Geoff! Now I've got my own 'style', whether it be terrain or figures, I do try to stick to it so everything has a cohesive whole in temrs of look.

  5. The units look splendid. I do particularly like the elephants - very colourful on the tabletop.

    1. Thanks Peter! I must admit the elephants were fun to paint as you can really go OTT on the colour choices, plus that big splash of colour does stand out on the table top.

  6. Very nice work, Steve. And good to see the Légion Britannique flags used for HEIC! One day I shall do some proper HEIC flags but not yet a while...

    1. Thanks David! The LB flags are great, just a shame my printer decided not to play ball:(. I think you have plenty of other flags in the queue as it is!

  7. Great stuff Steve they all look wonderful but like most, I think the elephants are the real stand outs here!

    1. Thanks Keith! In all games with elephants, they always draw the eye from the rest of the troops:).

  8. Lovely work on these, my favourites are the elephants, closely followed by the Ottoman artillery and the honourable east India company!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! Elephants and chariots always get lots of attention when on the table, especially in this case when they are sort of out of period to what we would expect.

  9. Lovely to see these in the flesh Steve, what a collection you have coming together.

    1. Thanks Stu! The collection as it is is due a small solo run out tomorrow, which might spark off another round of painting...
