Friday 31 July 2020

Warning Order #54

To aid passing the time whilst still in lockdown, with any chance of face-to-face gaming a way off for the foreseeable future, the latest issue of the ever excellent Warning Order 'magazine' by Matt Irsik is available to download.

As always a nice mix of articles, reviews, AAR's etc, with a lot devoted to BKCIV this issue. So I hope you enjoy it and Matt always appreciates any feedback, so he feels he is not doing this for nothing. Drop him a line if you can.



  1. Thanks Steve, good shout, going to grab it now.

  2. Always a great read with a good variety of topics. WO54 was an excellent issue.

    1. Better than most mqgazines IMHO. I've only glanced at it, but am looking forward to an in depth read tonight.

    2. Besides the BatReps, I enjoy the game reviews (both board and miniature) and the thought provoking articles. A recent expose' on playtesting was on the money.

    3. I love his articles, which often chime with my thoughts, maybe due to being of a similar age?
