Wednesday 11 September 2024

Try Before You Buy & Other Stuff

A while since my last post and things have been ticking along in the background, so I thought I'd do a bit of an update.

Try Before You Buy
Many years ago I made a load of mdf blocks so that I could try out rules and periods before comiiting my hard earned shekels to toy soldiers. It's been a long time since I used them and frankly kept forgetting that I had them. But recently I almost literally stumbled across them whilst having a bit of a sort out.

Thos coincided with some good posts on Chariot Wars from OB at the excellent You Do Not Know The North Blog that piqued my interest, alongside Jon Freitag's games in the past. So having the tools to hand as it were, I dug out my copy of Hail Caesar II and set up some simple games to get a handle on the rules.

My 2' x 2' board set up to have a bit of a play.

Some essential reading material.

It was fun getting the blocks out and running through the rules, that felt pretty comfortable given the core engine they share with Black Powder II et al. Still an awful lot to learn, but that's half the fun isn't it? In the end I wisely tidied these away as I was getting far too distracted when I had plenty of other projects that needed my attention.

Games Room Decor
I have previously touched upon wanting to add a few things to decorate the games room and whilst on a recent visit to my Dad, he let me take back a 25 pdr shell casing as a start. He is pretty sure it's a practice round as it is a lot shorter than the other two full sized casing he have and doesn't have the taper at the neck either. He has a couple of 2 pdr casings too that used to adorn the mantle piece, but we couldn't find them. The all came from a firing range in South Wales that a maternal Great Uncle 'liberated' many moons ago and they've always been in the family as long as I can remember. I'm undecided at to whether to polish it up or not, something I remember my late Mum doing religiously every month with Brasso and newspaper on the floor.

It is 11 1/2" high by 3 1/2" in diameter.

There are loads of markings on the base, including '1941' at about 4 o'clock as you look at it. 

Again whilst on the visit, I took my regular trip to the local second hand bookshop in Downham Market, which is a little treasure trove and with very friendly staff. I managed to pick up the following for a few quid and ticks the boxes for the Glorious Revolution, a big interest of mine now, plus I can't resist anything by David Chandler!

An excellent title by the look of it and all proceeds go the the West Norfolk Deaf Association.

I also have just finished reading Cozzen's superb book on the 1862 Shenandoah Campaign, which not only is a gripping read, but to me exploded much of the myth surrounding Jackson. A must read for anyone interested in this campaign IMHO.

With the Cotswold Wargames Day in about a month's time, I've been working on some more fencing, which you kind of need for an ACW setting. This doubles the maount of snake rail fencing I have, which should be enough given the walls and other fences I have. Simply made from matchsticks and wooden tongue depressors for the bases.

With the schools back, Autumnal weather here and the looming deadline of the CWD, I'm slowly getting back into painting figures. To ease myself in I finished off some Light Infantry figures from Commission Figurines. Nothing fancy but a good way to get the hands and eyes back in. Having been away from the painting table, I realised that I doubt I could paint true 6mm figures now to a level I would be happy with. So aside from these figures, it's 10mm for me, famous last words!

Colours Wargames Show
As I've said many a time, the Colours show I see as the start of the wargaming season for me and this Saturday will see me off there for a visit, meeting up with my good friend Keith Flint. Sadly the show has declined in quality in recent years, but there seems to be quite a few good games on show. I know it will never compare to Partizan, that is the pinnacle of the hobby for me, but it is just over an hours drive away and I get to meet up with friends in a very nice setting. At least it won't be as hot as last year! Unfortunately Anita's Books are not there, which is a shame, as I always find something on their stand I want at a very good price. I have a small order to pick up from Pendraken, but I'm sure some things might pique my interest, aside from books of course! A report will follow in due course.

FtF Gaming
I will be seeing Keith again on Monday as he is coming over for a test game of his Startline rules he is developing, which will be fun. I've only played Poland '39 so far with these, so it's a chance for Keith to try a game in 10mm and late War, with a real mix of kit in the Normandy Bocage. The OOB will not be accurate, but set up to try a mix of kit and troops so Keith can see how the rules work in a 1944 setting. Again some photos to follow I'm sure.

So thanks as always for popping by for a read and it would be lovely for you to leave a comment or two!



  1. Enjoyable "catch-up" post, Steve! Enjoy Colours and your upcoming game with Keith. Oh, report back on your chariot wars games.

    1. Thanks Jon and glad you enjoyed it! Seeing the show with a friend is always more enjoyable than a 'Billy No Mates' wander for sure. The trial games have been interesting, but I really need to read up on stuff to get a better feel for the period. If Newline do the Xmas/New Year 25% off, I could see an order being placed...

    2. Oh dear, I just bought a copy of Nigel Stillman's Warhammer: Chariot Wars! I can see this is not going to end well๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜†!

    3. Osprey offers several useful titles too. If interested in giving BI a test drive, let me know.

    4. Thanks for the offer Jon. Once the CWD is out of the way in about a month's time, then hopefully I can delve into this new period more deeply, which might lead to a game...

  2. What a great update Steve plenty going on ๐Ÿ‘

    1. Thanks Matt and always plenty of stuff ticking away in the background, sometimes too much if the butterfly flaps its wings...

  3. Wow, lots to like in this post. I came pretty close to doing block armies myself at one point - come to think of it, that might still be an option. Mmm.

    1. Thanks Mark! I do ponder using 1" square mdf bases to do the same thing as my block armies, again going down the red and blue route. Something always seems to crop up though! Still I love the kreigspiel look they give to a game.

  4. You’ve certainly got a fair few “irons in the fire” Steve. That’s always useful - some days when/if you can’t face doing something particular then you can simply just do something else instead.
    The Stillman & Tallis book is excellent and Neil Thomas’ books are always useful for a diversion. Plenty of useful stuff to study ๐Ÿ˜Š
    FWIW the other day I spotted a post on Facebook about a walking group. In the background of one of the pics was the frontage of a used bookshop. Great stuff - that’s now on my itinerary ๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“š

    1. I like to have a variety of stuff sort of 'on the go', so I can chop and change as the mood takes me. I love second hand book shops and when I worked in Bristol, there was an excellent one nearby where I picked up many a good title. Charity shops can yield the odd gem too, ditto car boot sales, but I never really bother with those.

  5. A useful set of MDF blocks. I seem to remember reading some posts by you a few years back using them for some 19th century games.

    1. Well remembered Peter! Yep, I used them for Honours of War games and they worked well. Originally they were made for trying some ECW games, but never really got around to using them for that. They will be used for the Glorious Revolution I'm sure until such time as I can get my figures based and painted.

  6. That’s a varied and interesting post Steve.
    Block armies are a great way to ‘try before you buy’.
    Nice acquisition of the shell casing. I’d be tempted to polish it but it also has character dull.
    Now you wish you hadn’t posted that pic of the Sedgemoor book. It’s given me unnecessary thoughts about spending money with Pendraken!

    1. Thanks Chris and the block armies are incredibly useful to have a quick play just to see if the rules and/or period grab you. I'm torn between shiny or used in terms of look on the shell casing, but will wait a while until I get more stuff to decorate the room. Sorry to have tempted you with the Segdemoor book, but the Pendraken range is sculpted by Clibinarium and is just superb. Oh and I won't mention the Russo-Finnish War game at Colours on Saturday...๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜†!

    2. What! What!! Be sure to take photos for me.
      Tulta munille!

    3. I'll do my level best Chris, as I too am looking forward to seeing the game!

  7. Great post Steve,with lots of interesting stuff going on, as always. I recently pulled a gifted copy of HC out of my "library"'s the original version I think, but if I decide to use the rules, that version will do me!
    I understand your interest in the Monmouth and Glorious Revolution Era too, it's on my list......!
    Look forward to seeing how your game with " the other" Keith goes!

    1. Thanks Keith! I did have the original book, but sold it many years ago as it didn't grab me. Nothing wrong with the rules and if anything I think it has more content than the current version, but this does extend the period to cover the War of the Roses, which was the main reason I bought it. I know my interest in the Glorious Revolution has a lot to do with living within a stone's throw of Keynsham, which was the limit of Monmouth's advance. So all the battlefields, or what remains of them, are all within an easy drive of here. Then there is the action in Scotland at the same time, plus a diversion into Ireland if one wishes, so plenty to keep us wargamers happy!

  8. Good show on the snake fencing, always good to get a batch done and add it to the pile that ….. wants more :-)

    As for anything hobby wise, there is nothing like a deadline to motivate to get things done, I remember last year you came close to the line getting ready for CWD.

    Enjoy Colours.

    1. When you think you have enough terrain, there always seems to be more required! Last year I had a lot more to paint and base, with this years being a few more extra units only, famous last words. I'm sure I'll have a good day out, but always like to see good games to get inspired, alongside chatting with friends of course.

  9. Have fun at Colours, lovely fencing and shell casing and a smart move with your block armies, I know I have painted and based entire armies for a ruleset that it turned out I didn't actually like!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! I'm sure we've all gone down that path of painting armies, only to find the rules somewhat of a disappointment. I know I have. These days I base most of my figures on 1" square bases so I can use them across a variety of rulesets, should that need arise.

  10. You do NOT have enough snake rail fencing. One NEVER has enough snake rail fences. Even I, with a huge tub full don't have enough snake rail fences. ๐Ÿ˜
    have fun at the show and games!

    1. I fear you may be right Stew! I now have 12' of snake rail fences, which you would think is enough, but suddenly when on a 6' x 4' table, it just gets eaten up. I may make more, but not for a while yet...

      Looking forward to the show and the weather looks good and thankfully it's not going to be the hottest day of the year unlike last time!
