Saturday 27 April 2024

A Hobby Update Of Sorts

Well after my radio silence I thought I'd do a bit of an update on 'things', so without further ado:

The Move
A week ago today we were loading up the car for the final move of stuff for our son, as this was the day when he finally moved into his own supported independent living accomodation. Having thought about this for nigh on 20 years, it was somewhat surreal (and still is) that it has actually happened. Touch wood everything has worked out really well so far and he is happy to have his own space, which as a young adult is what he really needs. The flat is BIG and he is rather like a pea in a tin can! 

We are all getting used to the 'new normal' so to speak, but most of the hard work is done. Luckily the supported housing company have been great and done most of the heavy lifting for us in terms of sorting out 'stuff' with local government, utilities etc. There are still a few teethign issues, but this has taken a lot of stress away from me for sure! Fingers crossed and in another few weeks I can relax more as all the paperwork will be in place...

The Games Room
Now that our son has moved out, I can finally begin to contemplate tackling setting up my own games room, something that I have dreamt of having for years! Whilst it will be a small space, it will be more than ample for my general needs and, with the room devoid of furniture, it looks much bigger than I'd imagined. I need to re-charge my batteries first before work commences, but I've got plenty of ideas of how to set it up, once it's been redecorated.

Time For Reflection
As anything vaguely gaming related has been virtually non-existent for most of April, this has given me plenty of time just to think about the hobby in general. Whilst it is tempting to try loads of new periods, such as The Italian Wars that piqued my interest after Jon Freitag's battles, I know my decision of last year to (for the moment) concentrate on those periods I really know and enjoy, is the right one. Later on I might branch out, but for the moment it's a case of stick with what I know and love.

19thC Roosians
One of my favourite periods is the mid-19thC, from 1848-1870, or thereabouts. Many years ago my original intention was to do historical forces, but once the allure of ImagiNations forces got hold of me, I wholeheartedly went down that route. Currently I have based or planned, a 'British' force, a 'Prussian' one and one that was meant to be 'Austrian', but has since moved more towards an Italian one. A chance comment by Jon Freitag about me not having a 'Russian' force, given I have an interest in the 'Great Game', got me to a thinking. This was coupled with enjoying watching the progress of David's Crimean War RussiansSo looking through the pile of shame that is made up of 'failed' projects, I've got a good core force already, that naturally I want to add to, to make it feel more 'Russian'. So recent evenings have been spent researching some options from the Pendraken catalogue!

Basic Impetus
This year I had no intention of buying any new rulesets and had been good in not succumbing to any temptation, although to be honest nothing had really caught my eye. Then Chris/Nundanket mentioned on his Blog that Basic Impetus was on sale and that it contained 340 army lists! Initially I was not interested as I'd tried the 'Baroque' rules, but could not quite get my head around them. Then I thought even if I didn't use the rules, the army lists would be worth it for use with other rulesets, so after a tiring day on the 'house move' front, I ordered a copy for some 'retail therapy'. As with their other books, being ring bound is a big bonus and one cannot fault the production values. Some of the terminology hasn't been translated over from the Italian, but this is easy to recitify and a minor issue. I was however very happy glancing through the army lists, which as a perfect start for someone like myself, with only a passing knowledge of some periods and forces, with others completely new to me. So Antingonus Monophthalmus, Maurikian Byzantine, Despotate of Epirus, Frisia and Free Cantons, Hephthalites Huns etc all sound so exotic and fun and worthy of exploring at a future date!

Finally the bug that has affected receiving replies to comments on Blogs to my e-mail inbox finally appears to be sorted! It has only taken maybe a month or so to fix and countless messages to the Help icon on blogger, but fingers crossed we are back to normal. As always when their is little games time for oneself, it is nice to keep in touch with other games and to vicariously enjoy our hobby.

I am reliably informed that Spring has arrived but to be honest, there has been little sign of it here so far! Yes the plants are growing, but it still feels like Winter, with colder weather than normal and precious little sun here. After the wettest Winter on record too, we are all desperate for some warmer weather! As a result, I've barely got out on the bike this year, nor been for walks in the countryside and even barely out in the garden, which is where you would normally find me at this time of the year. With my sprained knee almost back to normal, i'm keen to get outdoors again after being cooped up for so long. The only upside of this is that it might make progress on the games room faster than otherwise might have been the case...



  1. Nice to hear that your sons move went well Steve, I hope everything works out as intended for his new independent lifestyle.
    I did wonder if SWMBO would throw a spanner in the works and point out that now he is gone, he no longer requires a parent as full time caregiver - and suggest you seek gainful employment, which might slow down progress on the proposed games room?!

    1. Keith, allow Steve to stand and regain his balance before you knock his feet out from under him with thoughts of returning to the workforce.

    2. Thanks Keith! Even though he has moved out, he still needs me working in the background as well being on call 24/7. Funnily enough we did talk about me not needing to try and return to work (a tricky thing at my age for multiple reasons), as currently we can cope, if we are careful. Also I'm not sure if I could cope with work anymore, aside from the issues on being on call for our son. Just remember 'work' is a four letter word and the curse of the gaming classes๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜†!

    3. Thanks for supporting me Jon๐Ÿ˜†!

  2. Seeing progress on the Home Front must be a relief mixed with a few anxious moments. Two mentions in one post is impressive! Can you relay what was needed to restart your blogger comment notifications by email?

    1. A relief for sure Jon, certainly on my part after chasing this for him for many years now, but hard for my wife but she is relieved to see how happy he is and how well he has settled in.

      I have no idea what I did to make it work again, other than contacting them via the help button (circle with ?) many times, as it suddenly just started working for all Blogs. Prior to that a few carried on as normal, but it is sure nice to be back to normal and able to easily keep track on conversations etc.

  3. I too succumbed and bought Basic Impetus and the Italian Wars supplement. Its all Jon's fault!

    1. I’ve been blamed for far worse transgressions.

    2. Where Jon leads, others follow๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜†!

  4. Hi Steve, good that things are moving forwards. I found some terminology in basic Impetvus a little counter-intuitive for some unit designations.

    I think the nice thing about having your own set-up is that you can set-up / play / take down over a number of sessions. I had a full stand up game yesterday and my back is ragging today, something I know inflicts your good self.

    1. After so long, it all moved rather quickly, which was a shock and pleasant surprise too. I'm glad I'm not the only one slightly confused by some of the terms, but to be fair I've only glanced through the book so far.

      Today I was looking at if I might be able to fit in a chair or two, to make the games more pleasurable to play and certainly easier on the back! If not, at least some stools...

  5. It's great that your son is in independent living and a bonus that you get a game/hobby room, I just bought a pdf version of Basic impetus and the great Italian wars supplement mainly to show some support as I used the old free version for some time, I'm obviously a big fan of the Italian wars, maybe you'll come back to it? Your Ruritania/ Great game project sounds interesting, I shall follow with interest!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. He's settling in very well and his naturally curious and friendly nature has gone down well with the staff☺️. Maybe in time the Italian Wars will get some game time, even if it's with my wooden block armies, but the mid-19thC ImagiNations needs attention first, for the annual CWD in October.

  6. Congrats on the empty nest and good luck getting the new hobby room assembled. ๐Ÿ˜€
    The plan to have a painting area and a gaming area?

    1. Thanks Stew! I did some clearing and tidying yesterday to get a better feel of the space. Gaming area for sure, but I don't think I will have space for a dedicated painting area, but we will see as the 'build' progresses...

  7. A huge milestone Steve and I hope the transition settles down, I’m sure it is the right decision in time it will give you a lot more mental and physical space. Sounds like you are already planning ahead ๐Ÿ‘

    1. A huge milestone indeed Matt and as mentioned above, one we having been planning for for nigh on 20 years. Fingers crossed so far it's all going well. Certainly it is a deafeningly quiet at home and we are still getting used to having the house to ourselves, coupled with regualr visits to slowly loosen the ties. Planning is my forte, execuation less so!

  8. Life goes on Steve, day by day, even if it’s not always necessarily 100% in the direction we would have hoped for. What does your son think to it all?
    Today (Tuesday) is bright and sunny here - if only I had fuel for the mower I could cut the grass. Will it rain (again) before I get chance to cut the grass? Who knows. Now that I’ve finished work there are no distractions there, just 2 little dogs wanting walking, the gardening needs doing and my wife is under the impression that all the household cleaning is now my responsibility ☹️

    1. Our son loves having his own place Geoff, which is good to see and luckily it is pretty big and spacious, which really helps. Today was actually quite warm for once and I was able to get out in the garden, which was nice. Sadly wet again for a good few days combined with parent/carer meetings and catching up with friends.

  9. A bit of a new start for you as well as your son Steve (I'm not naming him as I see you generally don't, presumably for privacy reasons). I have to say it's great to have somewhere you can spread out a bit (my own 'study' is pretty small too, as you know). Enjoy!

    1. Certainly a new start for us and one we are still getting used to, now we are 'empty nesters'. I still haven't started on the room yet as have been busy doing more important stuff for our son, but hopefully next week before the weather is due to warm up...
