Some years ago I bought a shed load of 1848 Danish and Prussian troops for some Imagi-Nations gaming as well as using them for a variety of mid-19thC European scenarios using Bloody Big Battles rules. As with most of my projects, they then lay in their bags for several years, which is of course a sad state of affairs. Then just before Covid hit, Dave and I started basing them up (I gave him loads as I'd ordered far too many!) so we could get some games in with them. Naturally lockdown put pay to any chance of playing games, so the project hit the pause button.
Things kicked off again last year with the plan to put on some small games at the Cotswold Wargames Day using the excellent Rebels & Patriots rules. So I started painting in earnest again only for Dave to unavoidably not be able to make it and once again the pause button was hit. Things were certainly not going my way with this project!
A year on and the plan is to once again try and field these forces at the CWD, but using BPII and a larger game on a 6' x 4' table. I thought I had painted three Brigades worth of troops but it turned out I had only finished two. Whoops! Time to get the brushes out and check the paints as it had been a good few months since they were last used. Luckily only one pot had completely dried up during the recent heatwaves.
Whilst looking at which Brigade to paint next, I looked at some Grenzer type Battalions I had included just because I liked the troops (from the Pendraken Afghan North West Frontier range) and my mind then thought of increasing them to a full Brigades worth of troops. This had not been my plan at all! So luckily I had based a load of units a few years ago for use in a sort of 'Great Game' type setting that came to nought and they had the right look and feel to fit in as slightly more regular troops.
With the infantry sorted, another cavalry unit was added (again previously based) but there was a gap on the artillery front. After a brief spell of painting this morning it was a case of into the attic to dig through the lead pile for the artillery I knew lurked there somewhere. Come evening I now had two artillery units of different calibre all based up and just waiting for grit and priming.
So in the space of a few days I've gone from painting some extra Brigades and Squadrons for the game, to having now added two units of infantry, one of cavalry and two artillery units, none of which were planned at all. Talk about project creep! Will it ever end? I think not...
Until next time stay safe and keep healthy.