Wednesday 7 August 2024

Pimping My Terrain

Whilst I haven't been in the mood to paint figures, I have had the urge to upgrade my terrain a bit, as some of it I haven't been happy with for sometime and others just needed a bit of a lift. With a lot of it being required for October's Cotswold Wargames Day game, I thought I'd make a start so once finished, I can move over to the figures. Luckily the latter are pretty much there, with a few units and command stands being required, famous last words! 

So with some free time in the offing, I thought I'd set up a quick game to christen the games room but also to layout my terrain and slowly check that I have everything I need for the aforementioned CWD games. 

A 4' x 4' table set up this afternoon for a fairly generic meeting engagement. Setting everything up has been informative as certainly anything bigger than this would be too tight a squeeze, as expected. Still, first World problems and all that!

My ploughed fields I've had for ages, made from door mat with grit applied over it to hide the rather obvious material look which is more apparent with 10mm and below I've found. They looked rather flat so I simply highlighted the ridges to make them pop more and think they work pretty well.

I made these European style fields last year I think and looking at them recently, they looked to clean and fresh and a bit bland. So I simply drybrushed to flock to give them a bit more depth. Not perfect but they work for the moment. If I really wanted to, I would painted the flock and then highlight up etc, but to me that's a step too far.

Finally after doing a sample last year, I added 'yellow sawdust' railway flock to my door mat cornfields and am really happy with the result. Very easy to do, you just need plenty of pva glue and space as it can get messy and you need to leave it to dry very well before shaking off the excess flock.

Another highlighted flocked field. I decided to try adding some yellow highlights to the top left portion, which sort of looks OK but is not that great to be honest. 

This fenced garden has been waiting for some static grass for several years now so whilst I had the pva glue out, it was a quick 5 minute job. Very happy with the result.

Some vineyards I've had for years now but thought I'd show them as they rarely make it onto the table. Maybe this year at the show I can find a space for them...

Railway mat that was Summer grass or something akin to that, that is meant to look a bit parched. It never quite clicked for me so I simply drybrushed it and added some highlights so it looks like bare earth.

Another bare earth terrain photo.

My wooded bases never came out as I wanted them to, as the flock dried back once I'd added some diluted pva to it to stop it shedding everywhere, leaving bare patches that looked wrong. If I'd gritted the whole base this wouldn't have happened, so leasson learnt. Another layer flock (3 colours mixed together) solved the problem.

The same base sans trees and I can use it for rough ground or simply to break up the table as I see fit.

Another railway model mat, this time Spring green I think. Again a bit flat and bright to look at so some subtle drybrushing and highlights have lifted it, which I'm happy with.

The same mat but trying a different colour and effect to make it look more rough and ready. Not perfect but lessons learnt for future terrain building.

So that's it. Hopefully I'll get a game in tonight or tomorrow whilst SWMBO is out for the morning. AAR to follow in due course.



  1. Steve, your terrain work and table layouts are always first rate! No need for pimping but I do like your new additions to the landscape.

    1. Thanks Jon! I think they looked fine against my old GW mat, but with the new one they simply looked too clean and bright to my eyes. One of the downsides to being a designer and modelmaker is that such things can bug one...

  2. I’m with Jon on this Steve. Your terrain has the right balance of appearance and practicality.

    1. Thanks Chris! I try to get a good balance between the visual and the practical, given that I have to stack fields etc on top of each other. I could spend a lot more time and effort making them museum quality as it were, but could not store them and would worry about damaging them during play!

  3. Good-looking terrain Steve, using fields to break up open spaces works really well. Lots of inspiring ideas here!

    1. Thanks David and glad you found some inspiration here, which is one of the joys of Blogs as I too find it elsewhere.

  4. I love terrain, I think I love terrain more than the miniatures. Nice little upgrades that all produce a step up in effect. Nice job. Stuff looks good to me. and now all you have to do is make more. 😁

    1. I'm with you on loving terrain more than miniatures, but when in the mood I do enjoy painting them. Plenty more to come on the terrain front, but do need to focus on painting some units first for the CWD.

  5. That's splendid terrain work, Steve. I think anyone would be very pleased to play on terrain as good as that! :-)

    1. Thanks David and very kind of you to say:)!

  6. It’s always amazing how a little bit of dry brushing can improve the look of terrain features. Your tabletop looks really good.

    1. Thanks Peter and I agree that a bit of simple drybrushing does go a long way to lift the look of terrain.

  7. Wonderful stuff Steve, I always thing good quality terrain brings a table to life.
    Looking forward to seeing your table at CWD.

    1. Thanks Stu and agree that good terrain really lifts the visual look of a game. I'm lucky in that I can easily make my own terrain so can try and make sure my bases and said terrain have the same look, which makes a difference. Looking forward to seeing what you are putting on at the show too:).

  8. Some good ideas and very nice touches there Steve - I particularly like the idea of adding the yellow railway "sawdust" to the cornfields - I might pinch that one myself!

    1. Thanks Keith:)! The 'sawdust' really works well I think and if you fancy giving it a try, do it on a small section or offcut first just to get a hang of what you need to do. When I did mine I made sure I had plenty of space on my workbench in the garage as well as space to leave them to dry.

  9. Lovely looking stuff Steve 👏👏 Your whole battlefield set-up with terrain and figures always look great. Hopefully you managed to get in a game 🤞🏼

    1. Many thanks Geoff! I did manage to get in a game and the AAR has just been posted:).

  10. That's odd, could have sworn I left a comment, splendid looking terrain anyway, it all looks great!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! With Google's latest comment change on some Blogs, who knows whether you comment got through or not, but at least it has this time:).
