Wednesday 12 June 2024

'Battle' In The Bocage - The Plan

Many years ago now I bought Kenneth Macksey's superb book 'Battle', a fictional account of an attack in Normandy around the time of Operation Bluecoat, but one based upon his experiences during WWII. It really is a great read and shows one all the preparation and effort that is required in mounting a hasty Battalion level attack.

I've been wanting to make a scenario from this book for quite sometime, but somehow I've never got around to sorting it out, until now. It seemed a perfect time in light of the recent D-Day anniversary and the fact that I wanted to christen my games room, with a period that is one of, if not my all time favourite, periods.

So last night I spent some time skimming through the book, making a note of the forces broadly involved, the terrain fought over, the objectives for the Attackers etc. Whilst a work-in-progress, I'm pretty sure I've got it more or less sorted now.

The book doesn't have a map of the starting positions and all of the terrain, but it does include one with the action well underway, as can be seen below:

Sadly the map is not very clear in the book, but hopefully it gives you some idea of the terrain.

The objective for the Attackers is to seize the farm (where the British C.Coy is on the map) as well as the ridgeline, broadly where the German 6th Coy is. Using the ever excellent WWII rules, BKCII, the British have 8 Turns to achieve their objective.

British OOB
1 x CO
3 x HQ's
1 x FAO
9 x Infantry (3 with PIAT upgrades)
2 x MG's
1 x 3" Mortar
3 x Shermans
1 x Sherman Firefly
1 x Sherman Flail
1 x Churchill Crocodile
1 x 25pdr 8 gun Battery (scheduled creeping barrage and FAO)
1 x 5.5" Medium Artillery Battery (scheduled on the farmhouse & counter-battery fire)
1 x Typhoon Ground Attack (scheduled)

US Airborne
1 x HQ
3 x Infantry (1 x bazooka upgrade)
1 x 81mm Mortar
1 x 75mm Artillery (scheduled)

German OOB
1 x CO
3 x HQ's
9 x Infantry
2 x MG's
3 x 81mm Mortars
1 x Jagdpanther
1 x Stug-III
1 x Minefield (unmarked)
1 x Command Post (the farm)

The farm is made of stone and has been turned into a defensive strongpoint, so 6+ to hit and a 4+ save.

Two German Kompanies are dug-in, with one in reserve. Those dug-in to the Bocage banks are classed as in hard cover, so 6+ to hit and with a 6+ save.

So with the Scenario and OOB basically sorted, next up it will be the game itself. This won't happen until next week at the earliest, but at least a start has been made.



  1. Interesting work Steve I need to spend some more time thinking up some scenario 👍 too often I do it on the fly !

    1. Thanks Matt! I enjoy the whole prep part of the game and scenario, as it puts it in context, which greatly enriches the experience for me.

  2. With OB and scenario sorted, will this be the first game in your new game room?

    1. That's the plan Jon. We're away this weekend for Father's Day and my brother's birthday, plus real life stuff and meetings before and after. At least with a dedicated room, I can take my time getting it all set up so I can hit the ground running so to speak.

    2. As the first game in the new room I expect you to go all out, tons of terrain and such with suitable background music / battle noises. 😀

    3. Hopefully loads of terrain Stew, but some fences might have to make stand in for the Bocage hedges, depending upon the size of table. Oh the shame of it;)! As for battle noises, I couldn't possibly comment...

  3. Looks like a great plan Steve! I wonder if I had that book many years ago - i have some photocopies somewhere of several maps that look very similar to the one shown here.......

    1. Hopefully it all goes to plan Keith (well for the Allies at least)! The book I picked up cheaply in our local modelshop, that often have lightly used titles on sale. Well worth getting for anyone interested in WWII.

  4. Looking good Steve. I will enjoy seeing the fruit of this labour.

    1. Thanks Richard! All being well it will kick off at some point next week...

  5. Seems good so far Steve. I look forward to reading exactly how this pans out. Whilst I’m sure the Allies know what they’d like to achieve I doubt the enemy will simply oblige…

    1. Thanks Geoff! I think this might be a tough ask for the Allies, with a lot depending upon the initial scheduled strikes achieving their aims of suppressing and/or destroying some of the German positions. Then of course there is the Jadgpanther to worry about...

  6. Excellent looking scenario, oh a Jagdpanther that sounds fun, well sort of!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! The Jagdpanther could be the difference between the two sides...

  7. Certainly a classic book Steve. I learnt a lot by reading it, and eventually bought my own copy, as you did.

    1. A classic book indeed Keith and one that I think all gamers of WWII would benefit from reading. I know I certainly did!
