Friday 4 August 2023

Silver Linings And All That

After the hottest June on record, July proved to be rather the opposite, with very wet and cool weather, more like Autumn than high Summer. But every cloud has a silver lining, as this has meant plenty of time indoors for me to crunch on with my 18thC ImagiNations force for use in an upcoming game in October.

As mentioned before, I decided to start with the simple Light Infantry units, as they would be pretty quick to paint and so proved to be. I reckon actual painting time once primed is about two hours per two base unit, but would allow half a day per for paint, wash and lacquer drying. So in theory I could complete 2 or maybe 3 units a day, but then it would feel more like work rather than a hobby, which I don't want it to be. On average I've been painting maybe 1 1/2 units per day, which is not bad for me!

The units painted so far. Each base is 40mm x 20mm.

All are in a light khaki uniform, with simple coloured headwear and scarves, plus the flag, to identify each unit. Simple but it works for me.

I've tweaked shield colours to best fit in with the colours used, so here some bronze highlights to contrast with the blue.

The view most of us will have of our troops during a game.

The gold tassels at the bottom of each flag look better than in the photo and add a nice bit of bling to a simple and drab colour scheme. 

There is so much detail on the figures, but it is way beyond my talents to bring out. Maybe 20 years ago I might have tried, but these days I go for brighter and broader strokes so th eunits pop when on the table. I find that subtle shading etc simple disappears when at more than arms length and definitely during a game.

One thing I have noticed during this spell of painting is the wear and tear that small brushes take when painting small miniatures. Maybe it's the length of time since I last used them or poor brush care on my part, but the tips wear out quite quickly, which should not really be a surprise, given how small they are. Luckily I have a good artist's brush as back up that is working well for adding highlights and fine detail. Base coats are fine as the wash hides all manner of ills (ie missed bits or over painting of areas), so brushes that are a bit worse for wear are fine for this. At the forthcoming show this Sunday I'm going to check out few brush suppliers to re-stock and frankly to see what's on offer these days, as it's a few years since I bought any new brushes and these have lain unused for the most part.

I finally finished my paddy fields a few days ago and let them stand a while to allow the lacquer to dry and harden off enough for flocking. They are OK for a first go and if I were to do them again, I'd go for a more brown colour for the flooded area and probably try some Vallejo resin water or something similar. Water based lacquer is fine as it's quick drying and doesn't smell, but it lacks the high gloss I would like. But given how often they will get used (rarely) they will do for now.

A couple of the paddy fields I made. As mentioned if I were to do them again, I'd paint the water areas a muddy brown.

A unit to give an idea of scale.

I'm looking forward to the IPMS Show on Sunday and baring any last minute changes, will be there early doors. Not many games are of interest to me (too much 40K by the look of it) but it's always a good chance to catch up with fellow gamers and a few friends. On top of that there are all of the wonderful models on display and tend to provide lots of ideas and inspiration for camo schemes or conversions for my games. Then of course there will be a bit of shopping as I need to stock up on a few things...

The only fly in the ointment for the above is that my back went again yesterday, so am in some discomfort and wearing the back brace all day to help ease things. I don't want to miss the IPMS show and hope things will be better by Sunday, but will wear the brace as driving really aggravates it! Plus sitting down to paint is not good, so that looks like it's on hold for a bit. To say I'm bored and frustrated is a tad of an understatement!



  1. Steve, your painting has picked up nicely and the new recruits look fab. Nice rice paddy too! What brushes do you currently use for your painting? Surprisingly, I recently found a brush line that holds up as well as my beloved W&N 7s.

    Sorry to see of your back injury. Back trouble is a real pain in the back. Hope the pain does not interfere with your weekend model show.

    Here, no rain in a month. Very dry with wildfires erupting everywhere even within the city.

    1. Thanks for your kind words Jon! I use a mix of brushes I've bought over the years, but ABC Brushes will be at the show and they have a good reputation and a good mix of sizes by the look of it. I am tempted to spend a bit more than I normally do to get brushes that last, but I think my current ones took a bit of a battering when painting the MDF Figures that I love so much.

      The bakc has been fine for ages but when it goes, I'm never sure how long before I feel safe to do stuff without the brace or go for a bike ride etc. Touch wood it's feeling sore now rather than painful.

      Given the weather you and Europe are having, I'm actually happy we are the wrong side of the jet stream this year. Wildfires within the city? Wow, that must be pretty damned scary. Given the amount of fires each year I wonder there's anything left to burn!

  2. Keep your pecker up mate, those light units are lovely. I’d be well pleased if I’d done them. The flag colours and bling really pop. Enjoy your show!

    1. Glad you like them Mark and having seen your AWI troops, I'm flattered you would be happy to have painted them. They look better in the flesh so to speak and one day maybe I'll try and figure a way to take better photos, but too many more important things to do first!

      Normally I whizz round the show but this year, aside from back issues, I aim to have a good leisurely half-day there, taking it all in.

  3. Great start and I like the colour theme with the units ….. also thought the rice fields were bob on. October looming will no doubt bring greater focus to getting through these.

    Sorry to hear about your back, you have my full empathy as mine started pinching 3 days ago and is getting worse instead of better! Keep battling on! :-)

    1. Thanks Norm! The deadline is certainly keeping me focused, hence my slight frustration with the back issue. Sorry to hear yours is going the otherway and fingers crossed it starts to feel better soon.

  4. Your figures look spot on Steve. Well done.
    I’ve had sciatica for many years now, so just have to be careful not to do anything to aggravate the situation. Take care of yourself and enjoy the show this weekend.

    1. Thanks Geoff! I have sciatica too and like you, am very aware of what not to do to make things worse, which in my case is sleeping in certain positions. The weather's looking good for the show and this is my first visit since lockdown, so maybe 5 years now?

  5. Some great progress Steve the units have painted up really well. sorry to hear about the back issue. My advice is keep moving about and paint in small slots, sitting down is unfortunately the killer for most of us.

    1. Thanks Matt! Yep, sitting down too much really does cause me problems, hence trying to get out on the bike regulary, do gardening etc which normally helps. This time it's the spine pressing on a nerve rather than muscular, so have to wait for it to ease, which famous last words it is doing...

  6. The figures and paddy field look great.
    Alas sciatica is a companion of mine as well, so full sympathy of your plight.

    1. Glad you liked both Richard! Alas I think many of us are getting to an age where we deal with back related issues a lot of the time.

  7. Great work Steve. I can sympathise with the back troubles me too. Really like the paddy fields. I made a bunch for my Russo-Japanese War games that look much the same as yours (I used 3mm MFD for them). For water I used an artists clear gloss modelling gel over a brown undercoat that when applied with a pallet knife gives the appearance of ripples on the surface.

    1. Thanks Mark and as mentioned to Richard above, we all seem to suffer from it to greater or lesser extents. I need to check out some of the 'water modelling' options for future use as gloss lacquer just isn't hitting the mark, plus you can create ripples as your rightly point out.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Tried commenting abou eight hours ago but bloody Blogger just would not publish for some reason so will try again!
    The figures look very nice but unfortunate about your back pain. Hopefully it does not prevent you enjoying the show on the weekend!
    Now....will this publish this time........drumroll......

    1. Drumroll ..... it worked! No problem for Mark as his comment came through twice, 19 minutes apart. Why? God only knows.

      Glad you liked the figures and thankfully the back pain is easing and more sore now than painful, but not taking any chances as I don't want to miss the show. Full report to follow in due course.

    2. Mine reported an error too, so I posted again.

    3. The joys of technology! We've had cases of What's App messages taking 3 days to be delivered, when they're meant to be instantaneous:(.

  10. The units are looking good.

  11. Sorry to hear about your back Steve. I’m reasonably lucky with mine, but when it’s cold mine can ‘go’ with something innocuous.
    Now the light infantry- they’re looking great. Having had a few minutes’ revery about the Monmouth Rebellion (courtesy of the Wars of Louis XIV blog) I’m now thinking about Clive of India and all that!
    Enjoy the show.
    PS still humming and ahing about those bateaux.

    1. Thanks Chris! Twisting my back to talk to our son who was behind me on a Zoom call is the most likely culprit, so I never know what might cause the spine to press on the nerves:(.

      The Monmouth Rebellion is on my list for P&S games, given that a lot happened in this neck of the woods and the high water mark of Keynsham is but a short walk from here. I'm loving the whole India thing at present and so many options/periods to game, from our sort of mid-18thC when the French and English started coming to blows, all the way up to Wellington. Of course there is the Mutiny too should one want to move forward a bit in time.

      I'm looking forward to some quality 'me time' tomorrow for sure (back willing) and I've still got the Bateaux mock up behind me...

  12. Good progress. I do like the gold on the flag.
    Every time I make a terrain item, I see how to make it better the next time. Too bad we often don’t need the item much anymore.

    I use cheap brushes and I buy in bulk. So when a brush starts to go I just throw it away and pick up a new one.

    Hope your back feels better and enjoy the show. 40k isn’t terrible to see. Some of the stuff looks cool. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew! I have some cheap brushes that are OK for big stuff, but struggle with 10mm or smaller, especially for final highlights which make the figures pop. Touch wood the back is feeling better and finally able to do my exercises, which really alleviated the main pain and sciatica. 40K does look cool for sure, but not my sort of game. Still you never know where you might find inspiration...

  13. Great looking lights and nice paddy fields , with my slap dash method of painting I'm using my sable brushes less and cheap synthetic brushes from the works instead, that way I can use and abuse and not get worried about it! Glad your back is feeling better, it's crap when it's bad!
    Best Iain

  14. Glad you liked both Iain! I've bought some synthetic brushed today that are menat to work like sable and at about a £1.00 a pop, you can't go wrong. Touch wood the back coped with the drive to the show today and wandering around for a good few hours helped. Off to lay on the floor to allow it all to relax now:).
