I have been running a Spanish Civil War campaign that kicked off a few weeks ago, ably abetted by Jon Freitag and Norm Smith, who kindly volunteered to take command of the forces involved. Jon was good enough to take on the role of the Nationalist troops leaving Norm in charge of the Republicans. My part was to handle campaign movement and then implement their plans when a battle was fought on the games table. But more of that in another post.
Last week we reached the point that a battle needed to be resolved on the games table. I set the table up, briefed both players and then awaited their orders, which are as follows:
British International Brigade 1st Coy Orders
The black hatched area at the bottom is the deployment zone for the Republican troops. The top left hand line and arrow where the Nationalists will arrive via mobile deployment. |
Overall strategy will be to stay out of the way of the opening barrage, then move into defensive positions and once attack looks to be gaining momentum …. Bug out at speed and abandon my superb defensive position!
1. Do not physically defend the right ridge (right of road)
2. Deploy 1 x 75mm on the road between the ridges with open sights down the road to harass enemy infantry, impeded motorised infantry and destroy vehicles. Retire if compromised.
3. Deploy 81mm mortar on far left of left ridge, just inside the wood line. Attack targets of opportunity or lay smoke if my retreat is looking perilous! It will be the last unit to bug out!
4, Deploy FOO alone on the RIGHT ridge in cover, but best views. Call fire for maximum damage, so likely at soft targets.
5. EVERYTHING ELSE CO / HQ / 3 x inf / 1 x MG to be placed BEHIND the left ridge (left of road), but more towards its left side and with a shorter distance to retreat off table. I think Jonathan will be pushing here anyway.
Once the initial barrage is over (if there is one), they will rush up the hill to take cover in the woods, they will hold off the enemy as long as possible, but preservation of force is a priority, so as soon as Jonathan gathers momentum and looks like he will steam-roller me, I will abandon the position and retire from the table.
CTV 'Fiamme Negre' Blackshirt Battalion Orders
All very nice and clear and maybe one day my scribbles may evolve to resemble this! |
With orders in I then tried to deploy the troops as per their orders. Any mistakes are mine alone and can be attributed to the confusion inherent in such things (well that's my excuse!).
An overview of the table from the Italian positions. |
'C' Coy in position. |
The Recce unit already forward to pass info back as and when required. |
'A' & 'B' Coy ready to move off. |
The Republican FAO in position in the woods. |
The deployed Republican artillery unit. |
The infantry and support units behind the crest of the ridgeline. |
The Action
The annotated photos will hopefully give an idea of how the game played out.
The end of Turn 1 and all the Italian troops arrived and advanced rather more quickly than expected, but 'A' Coy on the flank need the CO to get them moving. The British 1st Coy held position and the FAO failed to get through to his off board artillery support. The artillery support unit on the road did open up and hit the Italian Recce unit, but failed to suppress it. |
'C' Coy reach the BUA and being to deploy their support weapons. |
'A' Coy reach the wall as 'B' Coy advance in the open. |
The end of Turn 2. The Italian artillery barrage arrived and bracketed the ridge but failed to cause any hits on the British FAO. 'A' & 'B' Coy managed one move only whilst 'C' Coy failed to move at all.
The British FAO called in his artillery on 'B' Coy who had two infantry and one MG unit suppressed. The infantry still held back and the artillery support unit failed to shoot. |
'B' Coy takes a battering. Early on and the Italians are already under pressure, as being in the open is not good. |
The end of Turn 3. The Italian Recce got through to 'C' Coy who moved their infantry into the wood and unlimbered their support units. With line-of-sight to the British artillery support unit, the mortar hit and suppressed it. 'B' Coy moved what units it could, whilst 'A' Coy once again needed the CO to intervene to get them moving, but at least they neared the ridgeline.
The British went to move forward and Blundered, but at least it was one move towards the enemy. Not ideal but at least it was movement. The FAO failed his command roll, giving the Italians a reprieve. |
'C' Coy make good progress. |
'B' Coy are still exposed but 'A' Coy close in on the ridgeline. |
The end of Turn 4. 'C' Coy fail their command roll, whilst 'B' Coy made a dash forward, with 'A' Coy once again requiring the CO to help them onto the ridgeline. The FAO had no targets so moved to try and get in a better position.
The British FAO got through this Turn and his artillery led to 'B' Coy losing two infantry units and another being suppressed. The '1st' Coy moved onto the crest of the ridgeline, but had no targets in line-of-sight. The artillery support unit limbered up to pull back behind the ridgeline to be out of sight in the hope that it could unlimber and provide indirect fire support soon. with the Italians closing in the FAO pulled back towards the '1st' Coy's positions. |
'B' Coy feel the effects of the artillery strike. Not good. At least 'A' Coy are now on the ridgeline and in the woods. |
'1'st' Coy are now in position. |
The end of Turn 6 (Turn 5 was failed command rolls across the board!). The Italian FAO with the help of the Recce called in his artillery on the '1st' Coy, leading two infantry and the FAO being suppressed. All the Italian made one move forward. With their FAO and infantry suppressed, the '1st' Coy had no targets and so held position. |
'C' Coy move to the edge of the woods and the '1st' Coy are suppressed on the ridgeline. |
'A' Coy move along the ridgeline with 'B' Coy in support. |
The Italian FAO and Recce in ideal positions to help the attack on the ridgeline. |
The end of Turn 7. The Italian FAO and 'C' Coy both fail their command rolls. 'A' & 'B' Coy's however move along and shoot at the British artillery support unit, but fail to suppress it.
The British HQ Blundered leading to an infantry unit taking 4 hits and becoming suppressed. To add insult to injury the CO failed his command roll! The '1st' Coy were now under pressure and needed to bug out pretty damned quick! |
'A' & 'B' Coy's are ready to unhinge the British position. |
The view from the under pressure British. |
The artillery support unit needs to limber up very quickly if it is to escape. |
The end of Turn 8. Once again the Recce and FAO combine to bring in the artillery on the beleaguered British positions, leading to all three infantry units being suppressed, but at least the FAO was OK. 'C' Coy moved to the wood edge and 'A' & 'B' Coy's combined to finish off the artillery support unit before it could limber up. With defeat imminent, the British began to withdraw, with the MG and Mortar unit managing to escape. |
'A' & 'B' Coy's in a great position, forcing the British to exit stage left. |
The '1st' Coy struggle to move having just been suppressed. |
The destroyed artillery support unit. |
The end of Turn 9. With the infantry too close, the Italian FAO holds fire, as once again 'A' & 'B' Coy's combine to destroy and infantry unit. With it being game over, the British managed to finally retreat off table. Victory to the Italians! |
The Italians clear the ridgeline. |
The British are forced to retreat with their tails between their legs. |
The Butcher's Bill
The Italians lost two infantry units, but managed to capture the British artillery support unit at the end of the game. The British only lost one infantry unit but the loss of the artillery unit is quite significant in campaign turns.
Post Game Thoughts
As always a few thoughts on the game itself and maybe on the campaign implications. So in no particular order:
- Re-reading Norm's deployment orders I'm pretty sure I got the units in the wrong positions, by not reading things carefully enough. However I deployed them in terms of how their positions fitted on the campaign board and their lines of communication etc. Mea culpa on my part if I got it wrong.
- The Italians moved much more quickly than in previous games given their low starting CV's. The Italian CO played no small part in this and maybe given a CV boost based upon his performance. 'B' Coy took a battering but this allowed 'A' Coy to move forward unmolested. 'C' Coy didn't have much to do but kept the British alert to the threat from that direction, as they had to cover two approaches to their positions.
- As always campaigns throw up some nice scenarios such as this one, where it is not your normal game, but is more interesting for it. I was tempted to call the game a Turn or two earlier, but played to the end as any last minute losses, such as the artillery support unit, would have an impact upon the campaign. I'm glad I did.
- The British just failed to get going really, with poor command rolls right across the board. If the FAO had managed another strike on 'B' Coy, the game and campaign may have taken on a slightly different complexion.
- The open terrain of the part of Spain makes this tricky for attackers, but equally defenders often have little cover to. So artillery or air strikes can be particularly devastating.
- Implementing Jon and Norm's orders is fun as I've found in other games where players have provided their lines of attack etc. It's nice to have these different challenges and perspectives to play out and look forward to more of the same.
The campaign has moved on since this game and another one is in the offing, that should be rather interesting. First I need to upload the campaign map so that these battles make sense. I haven't done this so far as to maintain a certain level of 'fog-of-war' for both players, but more on that later.
The Russian Civil War is continuing to pique my interest and is certainly a fascinating conflict to try and game with BKCII. I have some ideas and may try them out soon, but first I need to figure out a small order to Pendraken as well as keep focus on this campaign. But first the weather is glorious here so I'm off for a nice walk to ponder my options on the RCW front!
So stay safe and keep healthy! Until next time.
Steve, very good to see how this action played out. Norm is a cagey one giving very detailed orders. I suppose I need to be more specific. Nationalist Coy B was not meant to attack across the open but to advance on the right and halt with the FAO in cover until its attack criterion was triggered by Coy A’s positioning. Getting plastered in the open is its own fault for ignoring the commander’s plan of attack. That was a costly and wasteful mistake.
ReplyDeleteIt's always a tricky balance in getting the right amount of detail into the orders, without leaving any leeway for the Company commanders as the action unfolds.
DeleteIf B Company hadn't moved alongside or near to A Company, then A Company would have bore the brunt of the Republican artillery. Even if A Company had reached the ridge and then B Company advanced, they would still have had to have crossed some open ground and therefore risked being shelled.
Steve - all good. I really like your table and the hill line gives a good feel of the crest. It played out as intended by absorbing the initial contact and then rolling with it.
ReplyDeleteBrigade Diary entry - Although today we lost a valuable position along the ridge line, 1st company (British Battalion) did well absorbing an overwhelming attack from a Nationalist battalion. We lost some artillery, but generally the company retired in good order and they have been mentioned in despatches.
Thanks Norm and I'm glad I interpreted your orders correctly. I love the diary entry bit:).
DeleteAre Jon and Norm playing live over Zoom or something? Or fid they give you their plans then you game it out?
ReplyDeleteI think those misunderstandings of orders are pretty realistic anyway. Frustrating friction.
It's a PBEM campaign and games on the table. So I send a photo of the table and some other views, with deployment info etc and then receive instructions, as per Jon's photo of the table with his orders and arrows on it. I then do my best to implement their plans, but misunderstandings do add that realistic friction IMHO,
DeleteAnother great AAR and tabletop set-up Steve.
ReplyDeleteAs you have the Ospreys then you might want to keep an eye out for some Russian language books that are in a similar style. I think one of the guys involved with The Gauntlet had some connection to the books - perhaps just the English translation that came along with the books (in Russian). We’ll work keeping an eye out for these.
You should Also checkout https://www.pygmywars.com/rcw/index.html for more RCW information than you can shake a stick at.
The Russian Civil War has sooooo many different theatres too - the Baltics, the southern campaigns, the north-West, Siberia (and Ungern-Sterberg spilling over into Mongolia) and even the basmachi campaigns.
Thanks Geoff. I sorted through my lead pile yesterday and have plenty of figures I can use, which is nice. A few more bits'n'pieces required to flesh things out, but nothing major. As you say, there are so many theatres of operations to choose from, it's hard to pin it down to one. I imagine I will go with a broad brush approach and the Southern/Ukraine moving up towards Moscow and St Petersburg. I do know I want some colourful units though!
DeleteThanks for the link which I will check out, as oyu can never have too much information
Worthy of consideration - especially if you wanted to do something with a relatively small number of figures such as, say, something like Bob Cordery’s Portable Wargame type - then you could do worse than look at 1/72 plastics. There are lots and lots of options (even obscure stuff like Basmachis). See http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Index.aspx
lovely looking game! I rather enjoy games where other bloggers give you orders to be carried out. your terrain is excellent, btw.
ReplyDeleteThankyou and glad you enjoyed my terrain. I actually prefer making it to painting the figures, but now try and focus on the latter as I have plenty of the former. I too enjoy following orders as it gives you a very different view of the scenario and game.
DeleteSeemed like a rather costly day at the office for the International Brigade to me but having read Norm's War Diary entry, I appear to have formed the completely wrong impression!
ReplyDeleteIt could have been worse for the Int Bde Keith, but the same could be said for the Italians. In campaign turns a good holding action, but the next battle could be interesting...