Monday 5 October 2020

Blogging - Ten Years And Counting

Jonathan Freitag's last post mentioned that he had been Blogging for 8 years, which got me to a wondering how long I had been on the Blogosphere. So a trawl through the old Commander Series forum showed that my first post was on the 18th January 2010, with the subject an AAR of a BKCII game. I know a friend had started Blogging late on the previous year using, I presume a now defunct, platform based in Germany that was free (you had to pay for some in the UK back then!), but with limited storage. If you wanted more you had to pay for it, so posts had to be deleted, or less pictures used. Now not being the smartest computer person in the World by a long shot, I dipped my toes in the water and with a bit of help, merrily started Blogging away. I vaguely remember there being issues with this platform, but what they were are lost in the mists of time, but on 26th May 2011 I switched over to Goggle's Blogger platform and the rest is, as they say, history. 
To date I have 97 followers and have made 274 posts, excluding this one. Briefly looking back over the post list is quite revealing, with a typical wargames butterfly approach to projects, most of which have stalled early on due to a whole variety of reasons, most relating to work getting in the way from what I can remember. Rules have come and gone, periods played to death and then sidelined, such as Dux Bellorum whilst others like BKCII have remained a constant.
A year or so ago I did mention in my end of year review whether it was worth continuing Blogging, given the time and effort involved and the often limited feedback received. The overwhelming response was to carry one, which was rather heartwarming! I'm glad I did but I do wonder if Blogging will still be around in another 10 years time? The trend to move over to platforms such a Facebook seems to continue unabated, but personally I like a good Blog post to read rather than glance at a Facebook or Instagram message. Afterall you can't do a good AAR on Facebook, although I've seen that people have tried.
Like many others I have enjoyed being able to keep in touch with other gamers across the World during the trying times we are currently living through, when face-to-face contact has not been possible for our family. Getting that virtual gaming hit has been more important than ever and looks like it will continue be that way for the foreseeable future. Blogging has also enabled me to 'meet' other gamers I am highly unlikely to ever meet in person, as well as discover new periods, rules, scenarios, figures, etc and at this time has become the next best thing to a wargames show. I know I've not been too keen on them in the past but you only really miss something when it's not there!
To end with I'd just like to say a big 'Thankyou' to all the Bloggers I follow for the time and effort that you've all put into your Blogs and which I've enjoyed reading no end. Also another big  'Thankyou'  for those that take the time to read my efforts and to make comments, all og which are greatly appreciated! So until next time...


  1. Congratulations on 10 years Steve, you've covered some of the thoughts I've been having about blogging especially whether facebook will replace it.

    1. Thanks Greg! I know some of my friends have stopped Blogging and moved over to Facebook and I can understand why. Facebook is not for me, but for the younger generation used to accessing everything via their mobile 'phone, it works perfectly well. I prefer the depth that Blogging offers and hope to carry on for many more years.

  2. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. I’m sure blogging will remain vibrant for years to come and Google’s investment in an upgraded blogging platform suggests that they think that too!

    Lockdown may well have brought a new appreciation of the blog and new audiences - I hope so.

    1. Thanks Norm! I'm sure the platform will continue, but how much people will use it going forward is the issue. I think my generation will but for my kids, I can't see them ever having the need to Blog, given they use Snapchat, Instagram etc.

  3. If blogging was to stop, that would create a large void for me and a loss. But why should it be abandoned? If blogging migrates onto another platform, I hope the platform is something I can access. I do not have FB, Instagram, or really any other social media.

    I thank you for your blogging efforts! I most enjoy your many battle reports including "Honours of War" and BKxx especially your linked BK campaigning. Always interesting stuff! You have me very tempted to spring for a copy of BK and give it a try for my own WWII games in 15mm. Of course, your regular commentary on my blog is always most appreciated.

    Blogging has allowed me to foster new friendships across the globe, your good self included. While you mention that you have little expectation of ever meeting in person, I always hold out the expectation to face some of my blogging comrades across the gaming table one day. Wouldn't that be fun? If you ever venture to the Northwestern US, let me know and you would be most welcome guest.

    Here's to ten more years!

    1. Thanks Jonathan and as others have said, your continued support across many Blogs is greatly appreciated, mine included! I have Facebook and I only got it to access some Groups, but increasingly wonder why I keep it. I have no other social media and have no need for them at all. My kids (young adults really) however couldn't live without them.

      I agree that if Bloggers stopped or the platform ceased to 'trade' it woud leave a big hole that would be hard to fill. So fingers crossed things will merrily carry on.

      It would be great to meet yourself and many of the other Bloggers and who knows, maybe one day it will happen. If you're ever in the UK you too would be a welcome guest!

  4. Hello there Mr J,

    Many congratulations on the decade! It is quite an experience looking back at old posts particularly as projects come into fashion, go out and invariably return - such is the lot of the wargaming butterfly! It is a great achievement so very well done and here’s to the next decade!

    All the very best,


  5. Thankyou David! It is interesting and salutory at the same time looking back over a decade of Blogging. So many projects planned, so many failed to get their wheels off the ground:(. Such is the lot of the butterfly wargamer it seems.

  6. Hello Steve,

    Congratulations on the 10 years. It is quite an achievement (I think I hit 10 years in 2021). I enjoy your posts and comments and am sure I was one of the voices urging your to continue. Blogging is a fantastic and rewarding community and gaming blogs still seem to be going strong. I read more gaming blog posts than of anything else gaming-wise on the internet. Whether they are still around in the same abundance in 10 years I do not know but hope we are likely to all still here blogging away...

    And we are all butterflies. Oh, I did meet one once that wasn't but they were obviously the exception every rule has to have :-)

    1. Thanks Shaun! Let's hope we're all still here and Blogging away in 10 years time, which will be very nice.

  7. Just to echo all the other comments Steve - I agree with you that Blogging is superior to FB for what we are doing, even with the recent frustrations of the new version of Blogger (which you have alluded to and match my own experiences of it!) Keep on keeping on, the world would be a duller place without these blogs we all maintain!

    1. Thanks Keith and the new Blogger is annoying, although I'm getting the hang of it. The constant saving is the real pain as it's slowing everything down.

  8. Hi Steve- I've been Blogging a lot longer than my Posts show as I've periodically deleted a lot of past Posts as interests changed. Yes, it would be a real shame if Blogger ended - the NEW Version is fine and works very well. I've enjoyed reading your VBCW posts and look forward to your continued efforts. Congratulations on your Ten Years. Regards. KEV. (Sydney-Australia).

    1. Thanks Kev! I'm glad you enjoy my AVBCW posts and hope to have more coming soon:)

  9. 10 years wow...
    I find that the blog is a great way of recording rule amendments, scenarios and game ideas, yours Steve has always been a good read with plenty of new ways of doing things.
    Here's to the next 10.

    1. Thanks for the kind words Stu! I enjoy your Blog too and the wide variety of games and periods played.
