Friday 13 May 2016

Nachod 1866 - a BBB game

Well our planned start to the 1859 campaign had to be put on hold due to a hectic time on the home and work front for both of us, leaving us no time to get things properly sorted. So what to do? Dave as ever came up trumps and suggested  the Battle of Nachod, part of the opening moves to the 1866 campaign. He had all the info easily to hand in the form of the scenario for Volley & Bayonet, so we used this as it involved less work for us to get stuff onto the table. With a few tweaks it seemed to be ok for Bloody Big Battles, but we would only know by the end of the game. Frankly we are off an age as long as it feels right and gives a good game, we are happy!

At this point I should add that the Bloody Big European Battles book does have the Battle of Nachod in it, but as part of a larger game. Due to the factors outlined above we did not use this, but referred to it post game, more of which later.

Orders of Battle

Prussian V Corps – Von Steinmetz

1st Bde 9th Div
Trained, Skirmisher (1)
2nd Bde 9th Div
9th Div Arty

1st Bde 10th Div
2nd Bde 10th Div
10th Div Arty

Corps Arty

Corps Cav


Austrian 6th Corps – Ramming

Bde Waldstatten
Trained, Skirmisher (1), Tactically inept
Waldstatten Arty

Bde Hertweck
Trained, Skirmisher (1), Tactically inept
Hertweck Arty

Bde Rosenzweig
Trained, Skirmisher (1), Tactically inept
Rosenzweig Arty

Bde von Jonak
Trained, Skirmisher (1), Tactically inept
von Jonak Arty

Corps Arty

Corps Cav


Scenario Details
Well quite simply the Prussians had to exit the valley from Nachod as quickly as possible and push on towards Skalitz. Pretty much a similar situation for the Austrians except that they had to try and avoid a prolonged battle so that they could concentrate their forces as instructed by Benedek.

Fortunately the table was very easy to set up, ditto troop deployment. So the scene was set for another evenings gaming of Bloody Big Battles.

At the start of the game, Bde Hertweck is deployed on the right hand road in column of march, unaware that the Prussians are at Nachod, massed and ready to push down the valley.
The Prussians are a bit slow in leaving Nachod, allowing Bde Hertweck to deploy towards Wysokow.
Bde Hertweck in position with Wysokow in front of them and the Prussian just hoving into view. Hopefully they can hold up the Prussians long enough to allow the rest of the Austrian Corps to move towards Skalitz.
The Prussians make it to the outskirts of Wysokow but the rest of the Corps is somewhat tardy. Bde Hertweck holds firm and awaits the Prussian columns...
The battlefield explodes into life as the Prussians re-inforce Wysokow at the same time as the main bulk of the Austrian Corps arrive. Will Bde Hertweck be able to hold the Prussians long enough for the other Austrian Bdes to move off the table towards Skalitz?
No room at the inn. The Prussian 9th Division just about squeezes into Wysokow.
Two Austrian Bdes and their artillery march swiftly up the road.
Battle is joined as the Prussians deploy out of Wysokow and force Bde Hertweck back to avoid the damaging effects of needlegun fire at close range. Their blocking action has allowed one Austrian Dde to successfully exit the table with the other one in a good position to either follow suit or re-inforce Bde Hertweck if required. For the Prussians their other Division is stuck at Nachod when it is really needed at the front.
Bde Hertweck still holding firm in the face of mounting Prussian pressure.
Marching to the sound of gunfire the Prussian 10th Division finally moves out of Nachod. However the Austrians have been able to move another Bde off the table and off towards Skalitz, but their artillery has been left behind which is not ideal.
Bde Hertweck's heroic action continues but has left them Spent, Suppressed and Low on ammo.
As the Austrian artillery tries to move off table, the Prussians move in for the kill...
... with Bde Hertweck finally succumbing to the combined weight of Krupp artillery and needleguns.
With the loss of Bde Hertweck, the road to Skalitz is wide open as the Austrian artillery is unlikely to be able to hold them up for long, if at all. However the Austrian cavalry in the woods on the Branka hill has moved to threaten the Prussian lines-of-communication, forcing part of the 10th Division to deploy to protect them.
The Prussians move out of Wysokow towards Skalitz...
... and the Austrian artillery, isolated, take evasive action and head off towards Skalitz.

Post Game Thoughts
Well, given that it was all a bit rushed on the organisation front, the game played out very well. It took less than two hours to play which was a bonus, given that we were both tired! So as always some post-match analysis:

  • Poor Prussian die rolling really hampered them this game as they were unable to move quickly out of Nachod when it mattered, nor could they push round the flank of Bde Hertweck to try and cut the road to Skalitz. However it did give us an idea for a Dragon Rampant campaign where Dave has to escort his 'Die of Doom' (as they were Christened) to the 'Crack of Doom' where they will be melted down, never to grace a table again! 
  • For once the die rolls went the way of the Austrians. They were able to move quickly down the road and off the table which was their main objective. Obviously they are more keen to avoid combat and the die were aware of this.
  • Bde Hertweck's defence was certainly heroic, but must be seen in the light of the Prussian die rolling as outlined above. However we both agreed that he would have received some medal and is probably having a waltz or some such thing penned in his honour.
  • The Austrians were able to get two of their four Brigades off the table by the agreed route, with Bde Waldstatten arriving at the point where the Prussians had already seized control of the road to Skalitz. Looking at the map in the BBEB book, we agreed that they would have withdrawn and moved towards their agreed meeting point by another route. So this has set things up nicely for another battle in the future, possibly with the Austrians in a position magnifique, given that they were able to exit the table in good time with only the loss of Bde Hertweck.
  • Having played the game it does beg the question as to why the Austrians did not try to bottle the Prussians up at the head of the valley? Given the terrain it would be very hard for the Prussians to deploy their troops whilst the Austrians could form an excellent position hinged on Wysokow and the Branka Hill. Time to refer to Craig and his excellent book to help refresh my memory...
  • Once again we really enjoyed playing Bloody Big Battles. We only had recourse to look at the book a couple of time, just to clarify things. Being able to play a game using only the QRS is such a bonus, as it allows us to concentrate on the game rather than the rules. Post game chat we both agreed that BBB, Honours of War and Lion Rampant are great examples of rules that not only give great games, but are easy and fun to play. Whilst we both agree that Black Powder et al are also great games, but they take a bit too much effort to play as it is hard to find the relevant rules in the book. As I've mentioned before, familiarity may obviate this, but the aforementioned games are so quick to pick up, that's a big tick in my box as to what makes for a good game.

So next week I believe we are heading towards the Battle of Trautenau for some more of the 1866 frontier battles.


  1. "Having played the game it does beg the question as to why the Austrians did not try to bottle the Prussians up at the head of the valley? Given the terrain it would be very hard for the Prussians to deploy their troops whilst the Austrians could form an excellent position hinged on Wysokow and the Branka Hill. Time to refer to Craig and his excellent book to help refresh my memory..."

    The Prussians were already on the heights when the first Austrian brigades arrived, and the Austrian brigadiers then ignored orders to concentrate and take Wysokow and instead threw their men into ad hoc, piecemeal assaults to try and clear the Prussians off. And got shot down one by one...

    Even so, it was close - if Ramming had a few more hours warning on the orders from Benedek or hadn't suffered a command fail (allegedly facial neuralgia left him unable to control his brigades) they might have bottled them up at Wysokow, if not Nachod.

    Then Leopold marches in from Skalitz, bottling up the Guard, and they secure the eastern passes after the gallant defense at Tratenaeu, and the Lion of Solferino then falls upon the scattered and tardy Prussian main armies one by one, crushing them!

    And it's home top Vienna for medals, tea and cake, secure in the knowledge that Hapsburg dominion reigns supreme. Meanwhile the Prussian militarists get the chop and Prussia goes all Denmark and we have a left-ish, socially democratic Germany in a myriad of tiny states and not a militaristic destabalisation machine :D

    At least, maybe...

    Nice game - I thought it would be too small on its own for BBB but the "get the Brigades off" victory conditions worked nicely from the sound of it.

    - Nathan

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Nathan and a nice little summary of what happenend historically:). Possibly a post lunch break, sat in the garden with ice crea, will see me catching up on this phase of the war...

  2. Great to see this on the table and I love what you and Dave are doing. Don't those Austrians look smart in their white uniforms! They do show the bloodstains though ...

    For the BBEB 1866 scenarios I did agonise over whether to rate the Austrians A = Aggressive instead of S = Skirmisher. In retrospect I think I should have done, at least for the Nachod, Trautenau et al border battles. I'd suggest you consider it for your next game at Trautenau.


    1. I agree that the Asutrians look very nice in their white and lbue uniforms. Much smarter than their grey overcoats etc. Glad to hear that you like our take on things, with credit going to Dave for most of the organising etc. I just get the table set up and then normally take a beating... ;)

      I'll bear it in mind for the next game in terms of making the Austrians Agressive. It will be interesting to see how it compares to having them rated with Skirmishers.

    2. If you don't rate them as Skirmish, what do you do with the Jaeger's? They seemingly gave good account, but you couldn't use a single stand battalion in BBB scale...

      I might have given the early battles S, T, A like you did for Custozza, but then does that "overpower" them?

      I suspect giving them S will see the skimrishers offer one round of protection from Needlegun fire then be taken off as casualties so the columns then get shot up when they close?

  3. Another fine outing Steve.
    The Austrians really are unrepresented in the hobby given their involvement in the Wars.

    1. I really enjoy playing the Austrians, possibly due to having Austrian friends. Everybody wants to play the Prussians, yet I find the Austrians fun to play, challenging at times, but by no means a hopeless cause on the wargames table. Oh and in their white and blue uniforms they do look rather spiffing!

  4. Who painted them Austrians white? Burn him!!

  5. Glad to see this period played, nice report and great looking mass effect!
