Thursday, 26 May 2011

A Very British Civil War

With a bit of luck, I aim to get in a solo game this weekend of BKCII, as our daughter is off to Scout Camp from Friday until Monday. The small issue of it being our Wedding Anniversary as well tomorrow may scupper my plans! Also, our Son may want to 'assist' with his Daleks, which may tip the balance in his favour somewhat.

My plan, taking into account the above, is to play a small game on a 4'x4' table based in and around Hanham on the outskirts of Bristol where I live. I discovered that Stanfords Map shop in Bristol sells reproductions on 1920 OS Maps that have been digitally enlarged to bring them in line with the current Landranger series. For £7.99 they are a bargain and very useful reference for AVBCW. So this will provide a guide the broad layout for the terrain coupled with my local knowledge of the area.

I will be using Pendraken 10mm figures and vehicles with home made terrain and card buildings downloaded from the internet. I have yet to decide upon a scenario, but it will be broadly based around local BUF and Italian CTV forces attacking some form of the local Gloster Yeomanry. If things all go to plan, pics and an AAR will follow.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting idea Steve. I reckon I'll try and get one of those maps for my area just to see what the place was like in those days.

    Cheers, Keith.
