After my post of yesterday helped break my wargaming ennui, I set up a very simple Encounter type action on my 2' x 2' board, with 'Honours of War' as the rules of choice for 18thC gaming. I decided to use my recently re-flagged AWI Imagi-Nations units rather than the MDF figures, just to give them a run out on the table and to inspire me to paint up the British opponents for them.
As before, I used the Austrian stats from HoW and made the Generals Dependable. I wanted to keep things pretty simple for my first game in a while, just to get back into the swing of things. Both sides had identical forces, again to keep it simple and would deploy from column of march. The objective would be simply to defeat the enemy force.
Both sides would arrive via a corner on the road, with the lead units about a full move onto the table. The forces of Prusskia would arrive via the top table corner, those of Ruthenia via the bottom one.
An overview of the table.
The Ruthenian troops led by their Cavalry and the Light Infantry.
The Prusskian forces likewise led.
Opening Moves
The Prusskian troops got the better of the opening moves, as the Ruthenian troops rolled a Poor command roll and so could not advance towards the enemy. Despite this the Ruthenian Light Infantry were able to get the opening shots of the engagement in.
The end of Turn 1.
The Ruthenian troops advance in column of march, as do the Prusskians.
The Ruthenian Light Infantry move ont the hill to cover the left flank.
The Prusskian Light Infantry move towards the farmhouse, as the Cavalry and Line Infantry move off to the right flank.
The end of Turn 2.
Both sides begin to deploy and the Ruthenian Light Infantry shoot at the Prusskian Cavalry (top left and centre).
Middle Game
Again the Prusskian Line Infantry manouevred more quickly and effectively than the Ruthenians, who once again had a Poor command roll. Both sides began to shoot at each other, with the Prusskians gaining the upper hand overall. The Ruthenian Cavalry charged and were met by a Counter Charge from the Prusskian Cavalry, with both sides causing terrible damage, but the Prusskian Cavalry were Routed, largely due to the hit they had from a previous Turn and the Ruthenian Cavalry had to retreat to Reform.
The end of Turn 3.
The Ruthenian Line Infantry take hits from the Prusskian Light Infantry in the cornfield.
The Cavalry clash sees the Prusskian Cavalry forced to Rout off the field and the Ruthenian Cavalry to Reform in the rear.
The end of Turn 4.
A Ruthenian Line Infantry unit forced to retreat and Reform due to the effective shooting from the Prusskian Light Infantry.
The Prusskian Light and Line Infantry in a good position, but are staring down the barrel of an artillery gun.
End Game
As both sides began to settle down to exchange fire, the Ruthenian Line infantry managed to get an Admirable command roll and so were able to close up with the Prusskian lines. Crucially the Ruthenians won the Shooting Initiative, which stood them in good stead, as they were able to Rout two Prusskian Line Infantry and just avoided the same happening to their own troops.
The end of Turn 5.
The Ruthenian Line Infantry rout their opposite numbers (middle left).
The Ruthenian Light Infantry just get the better of the Prusskian Line Infantry.
The end of Turn 6.
The ragged Ruthenian line manages to hold, but importantly breaks another Prusskian Line Infantry unit (top left).
The broken Prusskian Line Infantry unit (top middle) and the Ruthenian Line Infantry and Artillery just avoid having to retreat to Reform.
At least the Prusskian Line Infantry get the better of the Ruthenian Light Infantry, who will have to retreat and Reform.
End of Game
At this point the Prusskians, having lost two Line Infantry units and their Cavalry, were in no position to hold off the Ruthenians, who were too battered to be able to offer up a pursuit.
Post Game Thoughts
Well that was just the right sort of game to get me back into the swing of things and I really enjoyed myself. As always a few thoughts on how the game went etc:
- I managed to set the game up the night before, which I find works best as everything is ready to go and I can look at the table with fresh eyes and tweak things if I think they are wrong. This is much better than setting things up in a rush on the day or evening as it were.
- The game was nice and quick and could have gone either way. The Ruthenians probably won because at crucial times the won the Shooting Initiative and so they were able to knock out the opposition before they could respond. Their shooting was also slightly more effective and neither sides artillery covered themselves with glory, barely making the most of being in canister range!
- The small amount of troops worked a treat and is of similar size to the introductory scenario in the rulebook.
- Again the 2' x 2' table worked perfectly and allowed me to get them game in on the dining table without disrupting other members of the family too much. A bigger game does have an impact and currently this is not an option due to some home working requirements.
- The Honours of War rules worked a treat as always and I look forward to giving them another run out soon, maybe with some additional unit stats to add a bit of variety.
Having used Honours of War, I fancy trying the same table, scenario and forces but with Rebels & Patriots. Hopefully time will permit in the next few days and I certainly am up for the game. So until next time keep safe!